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Nice perspective

I will review more in detail in just a tad but sofar its decent In some ways or another this is underrated but has a swanky style to it but I like what you have made here Hey that was cool, maybe have more detail with the characters faces, and more different types of gangsters, but overall looks good, i like the point perspective



So reviewing is not always easy but I would like to say that you have done well here, you have presented a decent entry here Ha ok now i have seen tons of thease, heh great sounds, and it was kinda realistic, nice work, now work on somthing new and unique



It was really hard, and props up great scripting sounds get abit annoying after awhile, but it was a good game, i like the options of play with the character, nice work indeed, hope to see more soon


An interesting game

A Xmas tree is a nifty idea Dress-ups are not the most creative idea but the props and elements is what does make it pretty nifty and of course creative, So I found this one to be An interesting game of dress-up and you presented some decent elements and made it fun you have some good ideas in here I may have a bit of info to help but really you have some nice ideas and executes them pretty well so keep at it.


Dressup coolness

Love the quality of this one This game was fun even as its a dress-up brings on something interesting and some unique visuals, props to you on this fun dress up game how can this not be cool, you bring out some nice elements and make it a fun and cool game with some very good entertaining visuals the props and elements are a nice touch, anyways keep at it and make more games like this, Because this one was fun and you had some nifty ideas that gave it that extra element and that was a plus.



overall I was pleased with everything here and wouldnt mind seeing a bit more buzz and pazazz onto it but its pretty good sofar Ok cool another level, im just amazed at how this can be done on flash wow, and the sounds with all kind really bring out the game more, and once again the interface is nice and sharp


A cool one

The Orrla Summer Fairy is something different but still nice Cool dress up game. When there is so much of these out there once in awhile comes another fun dress up game. With some nice style and flavour and of course you make it unique with some added extras and thats what really matters. Its what i come to look forward to in these types of games and you have made a really nice one here and seems to standout from the rest so nice game.


Fun dress-up

Mr. Smiley Dress Up Game is a nifty one Another fun dress up game with some fun little extras and you make it look so easy the extras in this game make it a fun dress up game and theres lots of dress up games on this site but you made a unique one it was a positive experience anyways nice submission here but besides all that it was a fun dress up game anyways keep making these anyways keep up the good work.


I like

This was a good concept and was worthwhile so good job and I hope the rest is just as good and thats what I enjoy on this one the fine details indeed Ha ok it was cool, kinda neat how there was two different things in this flash and the game was kinda fun, keep on working on it.


Looks good

Now here you have some refreshing splash of ideas and you have even brought fourth some nice elements aswell also bringing some fun excitement Hey that looks good, i dont know if arrow keys would be the best way to go it seemed abit glichie, but i like the story and looks like a good game with all the interactive style, hope to see more soon


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