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Decent one

Well it was cool and atleast a clock helps others this time around, ill give ya credit cause the music was cool, and it was basic and helps out, might want to think of some new tutorials sinec every tut that comes out has them basic ones, anyways it was decent.


Nice game

Hey that was cool, great multi helping things, but i would say dont pile so much text together, it would be better for the text to be in parts like part one do this part two do this, some of us need that extra detail to understand, but still it was cool



There was various things I liked about this, And there was some things that could have been Achieved even better, And here is another finely crafted peiece and you can tell that you have crafted a piece from some good imagination Ha that was unique, prob one of a kind here on newgrounds, good sripting and funny sounds, i like how they plop right on in, a fun game with info heh, nice job.


I like it

Some nifty imagination here and that is where the best ideas come from but anyways lets get this started Heh ok, so this is the demo, cool notbad, more detail in the backrounds like i said before, the characters look good they have a sorta style to them, keep up the decent work.


Good one

You have made this one enjoyable to the max and I find my self enjoying this one over and over again, and honestly it really is fun and entertaining I like what you have presented here Hey this was cool, and not your everyday shooter, the best part was shoting thru the walls, that made more realistic, maybe some more detail in the enenies, and more of them, nice game


Pixel game with style

Some good action in this one you have really made it shine with all the pixel element so really nice efforts and details, What we have here is a Pixel game with style and love the game itself as its some entertaining elements and just overall a fun game all the way around so nice job.



Now here was something where you have gone ahead and added your own personal touch and you really brought out the fun in this one, Making it more entertaining with a twist of other things aswell, and that makes this a nifty little entry. This game can really Thrive there might be some unnecessarily elements but overall it was all good, ts difficult to manage wall jumps when you have to tap the up button while holding down a key right next to it just ones opinion maybe some improving there overall a fun game


A pixel masterpiece

I like the sprite and pixel element here and you made an adventure out of it This is what I may call A pixel masterpiece you bring on some nice elements aswell, A top notch quality with this game entry a great style indeed, A fun game filled with some amazing pixel style and lets not forget the game mechanics making it even more fun.


Cool one

I thought this was spectacular and even divine at times You added alot of Amenities to this which made this fun Cool game, kinda choppy, but it was fun, it was getting annoying to reload just a short time after shoothing though, fun game though, hope to see more soon.


Nice dress-up

I find this a very good gameI won't be too harsh though as I love these kinds of games and overall you did do a decent job on this one Decent dress-up, it has alot of good items, i like the guy behind him just lurking out ready to make his move, also nice detail in each item was a nice touch, good dress-up here.


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