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Gotta love some pixel game style

The game itself is pretty fun I especially love the pixel visuals and effects as they really pop off well and make the game even better, So as a game its a nice game you have created but doing a game with some pixels are pretty nice, Gotta love some pixel game style and thats what you have created here I love the pixel element in this and made the game that much more fun so really fun game here It is games like this that just jump out at you especially with the unique style of pixel.



It was very nifty on how you presented this and how it all came together so nice effort here you put a Groovy touch on this, and you made it out to be a productive submission Now that was just plain silly, fun but silly, the face is great, it could have used some more effects with each asked thing, other then that it was just plain silly, nice game



Well that was kinda simple, you might want to spruce it up, like the backround it was rather bland and would be alot better if it changed from time to time, it was good level play though to a classic game.



Now sometimes you lose a little here and there in the process of these kinds of games and such but you have shown how these can be fun with some interesting results and I do hope you keep that going throughout this game Hey that was cool, but it takes such a long time from the point o click play to the time I get to kill stuff, maybe it could be shrter in that intro area, nice game though keep it going.


Good tut

This was kind of professional in an artistic way or maybe im just odd lol Some extra amenities of detail would be great on this though Thats one mega tutorial with awsome navigation and great music, it has a few good ways of doing things but could use more stuff, well anyways nice work on this cool tutorial.


Nifty game

The game was smooth the setting perfectly set every mood and the gameplay was solid. The emotions were felt and the effects were great Nicely done. there are a few things that could be worked on but overall this was notbad at all. cool game, it has style, great art work btw, and the sounds worked well with this game, it was fun and hard abit but got easier with time, fun and entertaining, addicting.



A masterpiece of design is something we all thrive for in these kinds of games, and I believe you have accomplished that and even more, And I am pretty proud to review this one of yours so hope you keep up the good work it was an amazing game you have created. Ha that was great, probably one of the most smooth and sharp looking games i played here at newgrounds, it ran fast with not much glich's, it gets harder with each level, overall was a very fun game, add some music options though.


Pixel mania

I like the Lord of the Rings theme here I call this game pixel mania because theres a lot of pixel detail and thats what jumps out at me so nice work on the pixel elements, So here was a fun game but what I find most fun about this particular game is its made with pixels and you really made it work with the fun elements that pixels can bring and you made it pop well, I really love the pixel ideas here so a job well done make more of these kinds of games because the pixel style jus comes off so well.


Entertaining game

an entertaining game but seems like it could be more finished I do want to say that it was a fun and entertaining game with some added pixel effects and visuals that made it even more fun It is games like this that just jump out at you especially with the unique style of pixel I really love the pixel ideas here so a job well done make more of these kinds of games because the pixel style jus comes off so well, but regardless I found this game to be pretty fun.


Nice game

The game itself is pretty fun I especially love the pixel visuals and effects as they really pop off well and make the game even better, These game types have always been prettyf un but I really admire the pixel element that you have showcased on this one, I call this game pixel mania because theres a lot of pixel detail and thats what jumps out at me so nice work on the pixel elements.


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