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Cool game, and what was awsome was the music it really gave the game play that extra edge, great gameplay aswell good control play and great shooting range, a really fun game that was A ok


Cool game

you should make more to this when you have time because its a decent game I didnt really find any lackluster points I actually like the Simplicity this and it had its own Buzz going on and such Great interface game with good options, great scripting, the design was awsome, it would be great for non regester players though, anyways nice game set-up



A nice little game you have here kind of nifty so small though love the soundF/X too There was a few things that were irritating at times and you demonstrated aswell as Organized a good entry here, Its games like this that really have some fun factor.



The game is fun kind of like astroids a bit seems fun could use more medals, This is just an overall fun game you have gone and made a simplistic idea into something much more kind of like turning bronze into some gold some added medals for the game would be a big plus for this already fun game it would ad another level of fun.


Nice work

This was a pretty solid game some good diverse controls too some nice backround music and the medals are fun These types of entries are always fun to mess around with you never know what to expect but one thing i can say is that they can be lots of fun, and do bring a sort of entertainment factor to the whole element, so good job on your part for making this one, Good job on the Development of this, it has lots of Buzz, basicly thats means its good and popular.


NeoD-ray responds:

Thanks comrade!
Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna shout in the streets of my little town that my silly little game has a lot of buzz.

a lil hard

A unique and fun experience here this was a terrific piece and very acceptable and may I add professional style to the mix anyways nice job here Tough game you have there, very fast them guys are i dont think i got past the second, anyways needs color and other areas to shoot.


Fun game

And here we have another decent entry I was suprised actually because I was not expecting anything here but you have suprised me with something pretty entertaining Fun game, toobad you cant make it scroll down some city though, good contral on the tank, and the sounds made it funny heh, anyways nice job



Well ok, kinda need to work on this one abit more, like work with the characters and dont use sticks and give the heads more character to them with detail, might want to add some detail in the backrounds aswell


A Pixel Based Game

Very pixel based and good quality These game types have always been prettyf un but I really admire the pixel element that you have showcased on this one, Pixel while something of the past it is the new element of things A Pixel Based Game here is awsome as you bring all the pixel element and make for a nice game with all the beautiful pixel art here so nice job indeed, cant wait for more like this game I do want to say that it was a fun and entertaining game with some added pixel effects and visuals that made it even more fun.


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