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This was awsome with lots of fun action, i was not to fond of how the controls were setup but it was still neat, and i like the clip of when you die, a very well scripted game very nice work indeed More defined characters besides the stick like one Fun game very well made aswell, awsome work.


Very nice game here

So you have a fun game and a nice puzzle system game here Awesome and A fantastic game if I have ever seen and played one and I have played a few in my time while it's still seemed a classic I found this one to be pretty solid, The jump system you have to time just right and games like this are still fun and you made this one very fun and that's all people really need, The level design was really welldone and fantastic to experience


Nice idea here

Hey now this was good, this could always be handy when im needing it at lunch heh, its a nice idea but could have a better look and such, maybe some borders and a bigger interface, nice idea though Make it larger and with a sleeker design aswell as some nifty borders A nice little thing that we all could use



This was a decent game, could use abit of detail like with the graphics, i found this to be a fun game tough kinda good if you get bored Some compression would be nice Fun game, with some added stylish elements love the extra details of the game allowing more depth here and there could use more though aswll as some compression



wow this was an impessive game, i lke the controls of it even shooting backwords was great allthogh it looked odd, but it was very good controls. the monsters were great, i wouldnt mind seeing some effecst with the bullets though but all n all it was an impressive game, so nice job Nothing it was perfect Awsome game. good controls, nice graphics and fun gameplay


Notbad here

I like the game it has a sort of eighties element in a comical way of sorts, That ice level seems a bit hard and the game doe pregtress harder so that was fun, The game is nice and has depth about it it's fun to find a unique platformer like this but I had fun with it


Cute platformer game

Cute game here I like the lil cactus element here made for a fun game controls and gameplay are simple but the levels can get hard Now this was a cute and fun platformer game I love the visual detail of it and the game playthrough is nice I think the platformer was on key and had some unique style


Wow what a game

I had fun with this one the little puzzles and strategic elements made this fun, I could see you making a series out of this and have many other rooms to escape, I was not expecting this game to be as it was, it was entertaining had some nice graphics and some decent options that made it an all around fun game, But On an ending note to the review part of things here, could use some extras and more stuff like more nifty features and options here and there, but i got alot from this, It has an entertaining value and some good quality points but also need that extra push, but overall i found it to be fun and entertaining


Very nice

So this was a fun clicker game but even more then that in finding all the medals and I love the pixel element here, A brilliant game even addictive at times and that was a plus for this game but you made it so people can enjoy it and that's a positive and also props to you for a fun creative game, The pixel art style was pretty nice and on top of that you added some funky sounds gave me a few giggles, you have showcased a very nice game and that's what I have enjoyed here so nice game works here, So a fun clicker medal game here and somthing about chickens lol nice art nice sounds but a whole bunch of fun


Golden game

Loved the dinos and the character AI was good Enjoyble game here I have to say that I loved the pixel element you pushed on this and it really showcases your work I have to say it's that pixel that really makes for a nice game element of fun and enjoyble always a pleasure


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