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Nice board

UncleGrandfather & Gerald It amazes me of how well done these are and there was so much of these back in the day, you have some good ideas with this particular one and there can be some small polish here and there but not much other then that I found this game to be pretty good and entertaining ofcourse, I will say that its that polish that really makes these types of games come a live and you cant go wrong with a good soundborad such as you have created here, and I had some fun here so please do make more of these types.


A fun one

I found this sound board to be pretty fun I will say that its that polish that really makes these types of games come a live and you cant go wrong with a good soundborad such as you have created here, theres a lot of these types but this was pretty solid work and for the mostpart I have enjoyed this one, you have some good visuals and fun ideas that make this game that much better and thats what I really came to enjoy, But regardless you have created a fun game for us all to enjoy.


Decent game

So in that aspect of things I have enjoyed this and how it all started up this had a nice buzz And it was pretty Remarkable how all this turned out aswell so nice job That was kinda neat, kinda silly aswell, kinda reminds me of old-style newgrounds games anyways still fun and the sounds really showed off the game, nice work



This showed some great improvment from start to finish It also showed some good quality heh i looked for sounds for this game i couldnt find any heh, one of my favorite games ha nice work, i gave ya 10's this time around since im such a fan, nice job though.



Some fun ideas and with no fuss Just some good ol fun and entertainment You have a divine and even professional little game here Perhaps some extra added stuff but it was pretty solid work indeed Hey thats different, not the game, but the style, like the control of the snake, and making that turn is tuff, great snake ackound, i blewup on my own tail ha, anyways fun game


Fun shooter

This was entertaining and as the portal was like a crowded wharehouse so I was glad to have found this one and you have some interesting stuff here and has its own style about it Hey that was a fun shooter, good graphic for the gun, and nice looking buttons, fn game kinda laggy but not as bad as others, hope to see another updated ver of this cool chooter soon.


Funny stuff

Hey funny stuff, it was great and all, i like the backround cause of the vote 5 ha that was just classic, and another great moment was britney one min she has blond hair then its brown haha, anyways fun game, i had a great time with it


A fun soundboard

Raged Old Lady Soundboard some nice sounds and some nice elements that protain to the sounds A fun soundboard indeed, these boards are a dime a dozen now and then but you really made a fun and entertaining game here I really have enjoyed your content some interesting sounds.


A fun sound board

The rage box this one was pretty nifty and a nice style of game some decent sounds here with some even more unique ones to follow this was a fun sound board you have a nice style of element on this game its a nice submission of a game and is always something that keeps one interested


Cant go wrong here

The Bob Saget Soundboard very nice indeed I kinda like this one for the twists you added and you cant really go wrong with a sound board like this one you bring it out more with a vibe of energy and thats what I have enjoyed here with this particular board so nice efforts on the future boards you may or may not make.


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