
11,872 Game Reviews

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Lags abit

I would remove the cursur i think it lags up the flash tut, i did however like the different tuts though, it was decent and may help others so nice job there, just needs some improving Remove the cursur Decent tutorial. nice game here keep making them


Ha good one

Hahahaa hey that was fun, nice game play with the mallet, it has good respnce, maybe change the music while that one was silly it could change once in awhile, anywaysgood game it was fun and a silly game and had some fun with this entry so nice job



Heh fun show, but give atleast one chance heh, funny, and nice setup, I unnecessarily clicked on this entry not really knowing what it was but then I found out that it was pretty awsome It was a swanky element that you added into this one great show sounds aswell



This was ok, i think i played one of these earlier but the one thing that this could be better in is the whole look of it, maybe adding some new buttons new color base, and some effects wouldnt urt either, anyways nice little game A whole new look to the menu and buttons Fun but needs a new look to it.


Very fun

I had a fun time with this game and with the tutorial you really get a better feel about it the controls ran smooth and you can really bring some entertaining fun in this one some nice graphics decent gameplay all very fun indeed


An Amazing submission

Now this was a different kind of pixel game I love all the pixel characters in this the game in complex and different Another amazing submission in the game world here but you have really gone one step further with the beautiful pixel details in the game and some good energy behind the game itself so nice pixel game here it's nice work


Haha fun

I really like all the running wish there was more runners but have to say that the naked guy was my fave haha just too funny, some nice newground elements here fun animations and love all the runners on this so nice lil game here


NevaZ0r responds:

glad u still liek it!
this was one of my first tests with Actionscript, i knew very little about it at the time, i would honestly love to revisit something similar to that with more content in teh future!


This was notbad at all actually has some good stuff but could use much more props but you did give it some nice options such as the different windows to choose from, notbad designer though Add lots more ptops and some with some neat effects A decent creator but needs more content and actions.



Interesting it started to get slow with all the buttons but when i finally got to more it got interesting, there should be more color and more graphics besides the white background's and stick character other then that it was funny



Lol this was cute, the old tutorial used to kill a killo haha, i remember all the hate from him for his anti-clock hehe, anyways it was a simple yet fun game, you should add some color in the backround though.


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