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A nifty one

Very nice with this Mister Rogers Soundboard Its an interesting board that you have created here a nifty one for sure, Hope you make even more of these kinds of games in the futureWhile theres a dozen of these per day back in the day this was still pretty good and you created some vibe of energy and thats what I have enjoyed here with this particular board, these types tend to be more unique and some with a stylish element and thats what I have come to enjoy about these particular types of games, anyways keep gracing us with these fun games.


Cool game here

That looks neat, i love the backround set-up, and the art images look awsome and very artistic, it does need more though and more different type of options, nice work keep it up but anyways its a good start I thought and I hope to see more from you You could put some morepPositive elements on this and more of a productive sense to it all



I got a good Impression Some good imagination has come alive here in this submission and its a good way to get things started here Fun and entertaining, great set-up and great design, i played this one a few times, its addicting, really fun game, make another soon.



and on top of that this is a finely crafted peiece of game of good work and ofcourse imagination the representation was well done I thought Funny, and i like the game part of it, the voices did seem to be abit grogy, might want to work on that, aswell as the chopyness of animation, but still it is good effort, so keep it going


A fantastic soundboard

Ohmy Pervert Indian Soundboard you have some nice visuals here this was a nice soundboard with some nifty sounds that are of some decent quality here and there, A fantastic soundboard if I do say so myself the game is fun and entertaining and I could see you making more but regardless this was a good game, You bring on some interesting ideas and make for something fun and entertaining theres a lot of these types but this was pretty solid work and for the mostpart I have enjoyed this one, so nice work indeed on this game.


What an exciting board

Die hard was a nice choice you really know how to get creative here on this one What an exciting board that you have presented some interesting visual points I like the idea here as it was pretty creative, I do wish more people made more of these they are always fun and entertaining, and I must say its the little pieces and additions of these types of games that make this even more special you have some good visuals and fun ideas that make this game that much better and thats what I really came to enjoy.


Nice interactivity

So nice work here and sometimes flashes like this need the right nutrition of elements and you have added just that especially with these particular type of games and games Nice work that had lots of options, and its another unique one not just some car so it vame out well, the file size was abit large but well worth it, way to go


Nice tut

I am looking forward to other stuff you have done and whatnot I wouldnt mind some various other amenities of visual details that could help push this to another level Good tutorial, has a good amount of tuts, could use some music though, still a decent tutorial


Nice one

Wow that was unexpected skill, the sounds were awsome, the blood spurts and and gash's came out really good, i gave a 4 for violence most i gave most movies in that area, nice work indeed, to improve make it so we could gash the nails that would be awsome, anyways nice game i was happy


Unique one

First off graphics to be honest this was kind of special and is merely average but you brought some nice effects around it and made for some fun activities Unique, and the art style was cool different from what normaly appears on newgrounds, at the start menu the space bar and enter didnt really work, and this game needs sound/FX, kinda neat though


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