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Can really be fun and worth it So keep doing what you do best There are even things that could make this even more productive but its some solid work inded That was decent, really laggy though, just kinda slow, but i guess its kinda like reality in cars ha, nice over view of the house


This was cool

This was someting differant for sure, and you gave it some appeal and I was pretty entertained with what you do have here but for the most part of it its pretty amusing and entertaining That was different and a neat idea, it only had a few different versions though, could use more alot more, and more blood effects aswell, fun though


Fantastic sound board here

Tejbz thats different You have a Fantastic sound board here These are always something unique and have a style of there own and the topic could be almost of anything, people dont seem to make these kinds of games anymore and its always nice to come across one or two of these types the sounds are always interesting and it as a game is always fun, so nice soundboard game here. and honestly I wish more people made more of these types of games they are pretty fun indeed, but anyways keep up the fantastic game works.


What a fantastic board

KR Ghost Cool These types of games are indeed impressive and while not perfect they bring some fun and a good entertaining aspect of things and thats what I have enjoyed with these game types, Well nice work What a fantastic board you have created here sound boards are pretty fun and this has some good entertainment value the visuals are decent, and overall I had some fun with this soundboard you really know how to get creative here on this one, but anyways hope you make even more of these kinds of games in the future.



So this was worthwhile and my final words on this was terrific game but still found it pretty entertaining and fun so nice work on this game entry Ya that was alright the slot machine, looked sharpe great sparklies heh good graphics is what i am saying, and the slots didnt lag, it was fun and yet still a simle little game, also congrats on the award.


Nice game

Like one big event there is lots to see and do aswell as the little extras and you have brought all that together including even more so props to you on a good piece here played this game for a while and liked it, it utilizes alot of the aspects that are usually only found in certain games, it has FPS, and puzzle type, and speed/reaction, good work on this, I hope to see more


Fun game

This was alot of things but I found it to be crisp and you Balanced it with some Swanky effects and elements so nice job here Ya tha was fun, kinda laggy but still ok, nice graphics just like a pro, maybe make other types it would be fun, besides all that I can see you advancing on this one and adding even more options but overall it was a fun one.


Cute one

This entry keeps you coming back for more and keeps you interested so props to you on a good game here this one kept itching at me to review it and im glad I got too Cute i like the items you gave, and they are well detailed aswell, might want to add some more animation to some of them though



its good stuff So this one is loaded with all sorts of and terrific stuff and a very acceptable game of works here so nice job ha you play AOE games ha, this was simple yet so fun, i played it like 3x, still you need practice when playing, but its fun, i did hit the building like 3/4x but still no go, anyways great game, had lots of fun with it.


This was fun

Now here was something interesting not the best of choices but it was interesting and kinda nifty there is more room for some extra improvment on this just some small added extras Hey that was fun, it came out just perfect, great backrounds, the only problem was abit on the conroll play he is hard to slow down or stop, still fun though, keep up the fun games


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