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Another good one

Could be a few more options in this one I love me some dress up games and you have a nice style with this particular one it has its own twists and unique style is an interesting game you bring some nice stuff aboard and make it look visually awsome i do enjoy these kinds of games and you made it fun and once again these types are always fun especially with all the random yet unique style added extras it was all a plus for a dress up game.


Good game

Art and graphics can be improved on in this game I love a lot of things about this dress up game but most of all some nice creativity along with your own passion and ideas bring it all together A cool dress up game you have created here adding some of the simple and adding in your own unique design making this a top notch game and well thats what makes a fun dress up game like your creation so untill next time keep making these.


Cool lil game

Nice dress-up but more organized system on items would be a plus Now this is a good dress up game i could really dig into you bring all the little stuff out into the dress up game world and it shows off well it is always nice seeing and playing this classic element of a dress up game and you did well i see lots of these dress up styes but you have kept in some nice detail and thats what i have enjoyed here and hope to see more from you.


This was nice

I found it being basketball made for some fun had some good intense moves and actionplay in this game, and the controls seemed to respond very well, good music and graphics too, Another nice find in this game from the portal you bring lots of nice details together in this fun game submission and its those fine visual points that really come out strong and also the reason i really liked this one even more, cant go wrong with a really good game and some nice medals.


BoMToons responds:

Thanks for leaving a review! Glad you n-joyed!

Entertaining game

I found the art to be pretty top notch with nice detail, I also like the fact that you added medals you dont see that too often in dress up games, Dress up games can be simple and complicated yet you have made it look easy and bring on a style of your own and that was very good on this one Another fun dress up game here while the game you made it fun and easy and made the experience fun and added your own style so for me this was a nice dress up game showed off some really nice ideas and efforts so please do keep that up, You made a fun dress up nothing too hard but enjoyble so nice game


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you enjoyed it X. :) Thanks for reviewing!


props to you on some fine detail within the game itself and good energy and effort on this little entry of yours Games like these showcases very well i was pretty impressed with this whole game so nice entry here Well notbad, funny thing is i just played a soccer game just like this, but id say this one is alot better due to the detail, like the backrounds, nice work, keep it up.


Could use more

Some good energy and good effort on this one you created something unique here and brings on some nice energy its games like this that i come to enjoy because it showcases some solid work and the talent shines ok notbad, could use more options though, and maybe some backround effects, notbad though, made me laugh


I like

I love me some unique games like this and you have a nice style with this particular one it has its own twists and a unique style and some nice added flavour and you really know how to make a fun game out of it all so that was a plus Well i have seen tons of thease, and wherever its from maybe they should put it on, but anyways im reviewing the game not the author, well what else could ya say about it its just classic



Well nice astroids game, i noticed the audio was from a sound site i think but anyways notbad, i like the space rocks, very 3d-ish, it gets very choppy if you shoot alot, but still i like the detail, maybe add some music, anyways nice work.


Kinda funny

What a fun game you have created here for us to enjoy you bring on some fresh ideas and designs and even showcase it well with this style of game and is refreshing to see people add depth and detail such as you have done here Ok well kinda short, i always say, that a preview should show all aspects of the full version, notbad though, funny sounds aswell


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