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This was an interesting game, abit confusing atforst but i got the hang of it soon after, so notbad, fun game. Some sorta backrounds besides the black on eyou had would have been nice A fun and basic game, but you will have fun playing with it so nice game entry indeed


A fun one

This was a fun game, i had fun playing this but that level 2 gets super fast, anyways great game for times when your bored, but you should think about addings ome improved graphics as it was just sorta plain, nice game though Some improved graphics Fun and simple gae gets harder as you go along.



This was fun, i like the simple of it but also has good depth a fun game indeed. its good if you get bored and is a good timewaster, maybe add abit more of effects though like improved shooting and more glow effects all around, anyways nice job More effects Fun shooting game.


Fun one

This was fun, very neat backrounds and neat game allthough i have played a few of these now but they are fun, great art and effects you added though, I found this thrilling and fun keep it going strong I will be back to checkout more of your work anyways nice job Maybe a new style game Snake clone with some neat effects and visual


Very impressive

So this game here was very impressive with some really nice tetris like depth but you have gone on and created some nice gravity element about it, A nice game indeed that's what makes this fun because you can never have too much of some stylish games like this one and you keep it fresh, The tetris like tower build is such a nice idea, I still have found these more simple ones to bring on some fun ideas simple gameplay but it was fun and had a blast with this game, So for me I found this game really nice some balancing skills are needed lol



So this game was pretty unique indeed love the grainy visual effects on this and you made it scary with that first shadow moment, A nice game indeed that's what makes this fun because you can never have too much of some stylish games like this one and you keep it fresh, This was pretty crazy with with the shadoes the lights the story just very good work, I still have found these more simple ones to bring on some fun ideas simple gameplay but it was fun and had a blast with this game, And just want to say you made for a very nice game even got scared lol


Wow nice

This game is pretty fun and entertaining I like how you put our profile pic on the character there was some really good interaction and some wild fun running all around, very good game here I had fun with this one fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the game, Nice work


A plus of a game

Well its always a pleasure to find your games they bring a lot of puzzle systems and this one like a platformer was just as good, A fun game all across the board especially with all the pixel you bring forward in this game I love the pixel push gives the game more depth on its already fun gameplay so this reviewer really enjoyed the pixel related game


Notbad at all

So this was interesting the art and graphics style was notbad could even have some added polish here and there, Searching for the cross some small searching is all it takes and that was interesting, with the element of depression it was a good story that you bring to the table, the gameplay was fun and you added a lot of depth to this game and really made for some fun


Very nice game

I like the art style simple fresh and fun The game is easy to understand and conrols work well, The gameplay was good but also feel like you could mix it up with random encounters and extra lil bonus points all throughout the game, alos think there could be more depth within the story, But overall its a fun lil game here fresh and entertaining indeed I enjoyed your game here


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