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This was notbad, kinda interesting actually, its not that hard to draw backrounds, i actually enjoy backrounds, but this was notbad work, allthough the filesize was abit large not to fond of big file sizes, anyways nice fl flash Reduce the filesize as much as you can. Nice little helping way on the backrounds.


Fun and interesting

This was interesting, i like the colors used and it was fun, nice little character aswell, fun game, nice job, you should give it more fun options though anyways nice job More options for the user Fun little game here but would love to see more content on this game


Cool game

Love that you have multple characters to try for this, A fantastic game if I have ever seen and played one some nice upgrades also on this game with some good planning will allow for success, good controls and ran smooth with some fun gameplay allthroughout most of us enjoy it I know I have enjoyed this one so really nice game here, And really hope to see more like it


Nice work

So notbad on this game its an interesting game with some nice platformer elements and the style is small but does show off a wide range of detail love the use of color in this one, I had fun with it it was fresh and different a fun game here indeed


Top notch game

A scary and spooky game here with the scream element good sound of the movie theme too, those rocks are anoying lol Nice pixel push I love the pixel push gives the game more depth on its already fun gameplay some nice pixel about it and that is what I take from here it has a fun game you have really gone one step further with the beautiful pixel details


Very fun

so you have a fun game here even as its repetitive here, Fantastic and amazing game that you have made here and I'm sure most of us enjoy it I know I have enjoyed this one for what it brings to the table, Spamming that rocket seems like the way to go with this game, These games are no joke I also love the added detail creating some nice style about it this was a plus all around the table, Some nice medals in this adventure type of game



These rythem games are always a fan fave the art style was pretty wild and even trippy with how you had them, I love the music and music choices you had here really some nice rythem ones too and recated well with the gameplay itself so for me this kind of game really is fun and builds up to that rythem style of game so nice job all around on this fun lil game here I enjoyed it


Fun shooter game

So this was a fun action shooter game the gun choices and upgrades are notbad and doesnt take long to get them its like a tower defence game with waves of zombies and the art was refreshing toon style so notbad of an action shooter here



This was fun, not only that but had some impressive graphics from the props to the intense backrounds, but it also lagged up abit probably from the intense graphics, but all n all it was fun, nice work Figure a way to lower the lagging Fun game with some nice graphics



This was fun, it was a huge filesize, but still kinda fun, you actually put a little entertaining on the classic game, nice job i had fun with this. A nice game entry here you have added some nice unique style keep up the good work Compress the file Fun and neat style on this


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