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Worm with a twist

Looks like you have piled up all the right building blocks and made this into one fun and entertaining game you even brought in some style to this making it something unique Hehe it was different, nice sounds though, and maybe a different backround would be good, but overall it was fun


Exciting game here

A different style with this one

You have gone and created a nice dress up game and while there are tons of these out there i love the flavour you add onto these and you keep it fresh and sharp with a style all on its own giving off some nice gameplay and even replay value even if it is just a dress up game i still found it to be pretty fun and thats what i look for in games like this So awsome job on the work done here today.


Nice dress up

Very nice one seems like it could even use some added items and options Love the passion you bring with lots of creativity on these dress up styles you have gone beyond the normal and bring in some nice random element making it a pretty fun game but besides that i had fun reviewing this dress up game because you for sure know what you are doing and you have also made it a fun experience and thats what i like about this one so keep up the good game making.


Nice pong

nifty and even a lil different I was really impressed with this one This one seemed a tad underrated because there was not much that was lackluster Ok well notbad, i do like that snowboarder backround it has detail, and for the pong well its pong, nice though, keep up the decent work



and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all Well notbad, eventhough i have seen somthing like this another soccer game, but still entertaining and fun to play



honestly thats how it should be You have a divine game here Perhaps some changes could take place later for improvment but nothing major Not a bad little shooter, love the backrounds, and the sounds were ok, could use abit more but still fine by me


Cool dress up

Well it could have more options much more items etc Its games like this that i have come to really enjoy because it brings on a nice creative side and you really know how to make a good dress up nice work and hope there are more dress up games like this one as it was pretty nifty in design and keep up the creativity its something not a lot of designers do so glad you keep the passion going but regardless this was a fun dress up game.


Ha Cool

Theres a lot of things you could focus on but You have shown off some good skills here and have shown some good little details that really get noticed Hehe ok well notbad its kinda neat, maybe abit more detail but notbad, i do like all the options, anyways nice work



Kind of reminds me of something going on like a big event with all the little details There is somethings that could be more functional but for the mostpart I like what you have done here Ok well another good little tutorial, i think i have seen all of yours, notbad once again, music would be nice, anyways nice work.



I like all the amenities and powering forward with great success never happens the first time out But I believe you have shown the effort and hard work on these game types Ok well it wasnt all that bad, i like the options gave, maybe add a few more, music was ok could change it up abit, well i guess happy 21st is in order


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