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Now here you have some refreshing splash of ideas and you have even brought fourth some nice elements aswell also bringing some fun excitement, I really got a kick out of this one This one here has a good Pulse and has a spectacular aswell as positive touch to this nice job all around, I remember playing thease types before haha, it was fun, the walls grrr, anyways nice game keep it up.


Strategy and skill

This puzzle like skill game has a lot to offer some nifty visuals and tricky AI so nice job on this lil fun game skill based games require some strategy and thats what makes them fun a fun one here and keeps you on your toes and thinking so nice game.


Magnificent puzzle type

skill strategy and puzzle like elements is what makes me enjoy these types what we have here is a good strategy type of game and you really gotta pay attention these types of games are always somthing to adore as they require more thinking, keep thinking up great mind games.



nifty and even a lil different I was really impressed with this one This one seemed a tad underrated because there was not much that was lackluster Hey that was a neat setup, and the players looked very cool, but this flash needs alot better sound quality, it was neat though just loved the setup and design of it all



and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all Very nice game, love the overview, the graphics were intense which could be why the game lagged up abit, still it was cool to play just abit laggy though



So reviewing is not always easy but I would like to say that you have done well here, you have presented a decent entry here, overall I was pleased with everything here and wouldnt mind seeing a bit more buzz and pazazz onto it but its pretty good sofar, This was a good concept and was worthwhile so good job and I hope the rest is just as good, his was nice, lots of options neat music, and really keeps you playing, could use more effects and maybe a few more options but it was fun and abit addictive nice work



honestly thats how it should be You have a divine game here Perhaps some changes could take place later for improvment but nothing major Thease are cool, but slowly are becoming more common, nice set-up though, and it was fun and entertaining, keep up the good work


A fun game here

you went all out on this nifty strategy and skill type of a game a stylish one with some nice visual points and a good layout keep making these kinds of games in the future as they are pretty fun, anyways before I go just wanted to say really nice efforts on this game.


Puzzle and strategy

You bring it all together well Strategy and puzzle and skill you bring skill and strategy in a unique and interesting way of solving your idea even more fun with the strategy and puzzle type and thats what I have enjoyed, anyways nice game indeed.



Wow that was awsome, perfect screen size, killer sounds, nice music, great gameplay on the controls, got abit laggy when alot of shooting was taking place, but still with effects and everything else it was a fantastic game, nice game indeed, keep up the great flashworks


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