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Awsome game

Wow that was very good, the gameplay was great and not hard at all, the controls decent, the graphics were intense but not to the point were it lags out, when the guy jumps he kinda fades out, but anyways nice game very fun This was something cool a fun game indeed it came out well so nice work with this unique game anyways untill next time keep up the fun and amazing game works but for now its a fun game


Very nifty

Hey this was very cool, the file size was abit much though, but love the idea nad the way you presented it, very nice job indeed An interesting game here some nice style you have a good intense visual and it really pops off well so besides all that you make it look easy i love the style here anyways keep making more games like this



Some nice talents on the game works here and you have showcased your ideas well but regardless this was some nice work so keep making awsome games like you have done here today. Its game like this that speak volumes Haha ok this was just sill, and was very slow, the track set-up was ok, maybe a better detailed car and smoother graphics, notbad though



you even bring on some nifty details within this particular game you make it look easy and i love your passion on this game anyways nice work that energy really shines through the visual details just like you have done here Well notbad at all, i love the style of the car, and great options but it could have still had lots more, also nice style of buttons, overall a well made car dress up but needed more



Good entry here it was entertaining and kept me entertained thru-on out the entire submission some additions could be added though Haha this was nice and simple cute with the music and all, i would say make the items smaller and add more, also a music option would be great, anyways nice job



maybe some extra features and such but I got some fun entertaining experience here but still would like to see more on this it was kind of simplicity but it also has a Swanky feel so nice job there and look forward to more Well notbad, it was fun, but seems to be abit glichie around the control area, some fun game though i liked it, make more please



So this is one of those ideas of a game that you turned from bronze into gold and thats basicly taking this simplistic concept and making it a very fun idea Kinda fun, but was lacking style, and could use some music options for a better outcome, notbad though


Nice work

Wow I have to say despite its simplicity this game is extremely addicting to play and very fun, Not only have you used lots of effort but you have made this kind of game fun and for sure entertaining so a fun game to start off with for sure, There was no negitive but eliminating a few weaker points would be nice but again may not be needed as you had some nice results here, This was cool, i loved it all, abut dark and the stabbing was awsome, a wellmade flash with nice touch of evil, keep up the great flash or game



a unique concept and just overall fun game And here is a submission Loaded with lots of goodies and the development is just as good this one also had a great Buzz about it Well this was simple haha, the red button idea was ok, but seen it before and didnt jump out at me, not a bad idea though



Looks like you have piled up all the right building blocks and made this into one fun and entertaining game you even brought in some style to this making it something unique Well it is fun, and kept me interested for a short time, it could have a better replay value maybe add some more options giving it that fun factor


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