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you have gave us that fine wine here today making for a really nice game entry here in the portal its games like this that really speak volumes and you have been creative with it too with extra stuff with some added extras and thats what really matters Very fun game, good shooting and good gameplay on the ship, slightly laggy but it was fun, and the sounds made it evem more entertaining, really nice work, i had fun with it


A fun and nifty tutorial

It was a small tutorial but still the job I love the small details of this tutorial makes it more fun too some added depth can go a long ways, A fun and nifty tutorial it has some nice visuals here it has a style of its own, thats what makes this one stand out from the rest so do hope you make more, but other then that I had some fun in reviewing this game tutorial and hope I come across more of your work sometime soon.


This was a decent tutorial

This one here was a nice tutorial and I seemed to have some fun with it making it a fun game type while these are classic editions they are still a nifty kind of game or tutorials you really make the content jump out in a tutorial style format here and it was not boring and kind of nifty here so please do keep up more tuts like this sometime soon but anyways a good little game type here.



nice game here with some good design elements and allows the viewer and player to really enjoy it even at a glance this was some nice work good vibes and some nice flavor on this one i really liked the element on this one Well notbad, it was cool, could use more sounds though, and make it abit easy, nice style though, keep it up


Nice Tut

This one needs more as it was a tad bland more options and more navigation options would be nice This one here was a nice tutorial and I seemed to have some fun with it making it a fun game type I love tutorials like this they bring on some nice educational elements and thats all a big plus, I love the small details of this tutorial makes it more fun too some added depth can go a long ways, But all in all this was a good little tutorial here so keep up the amazing work.


Nice Tutorial

The tween one was a nice touch A fun tutorial with some nice ideas to help and guide one on the way to success you really make the content jump out in a tutorial style format here and it was not boring, I had some fun in reviewing this game tutorial and hope I come across more of your work sometime soon, but besides all that this was a pretty nice tutorial but untill next time keep making awsome stuff.


Hey that was fun, the artwork could be improved though, it was fun though, like the rockets, and it wasn't so laggy like others are, the sounds made it fun, and all around I was very entertained with this, nice work indeed anyways nice submission here but besides all that it was a fun game anyways keep making these because I had a blast with this particular game and keeps you interested regardless it was a pleasure to review



groovy and even swanky So before I do get into more detail in this review I wanted to get a few things out such as that you have thrown in the element of suprise, Nice style that kind of made this a little smoother and an overall better experience for all to enjoy, Well notbad, good artwork, and not as lagga as some shooters, great backrounds, and overall the art really stood out, anyways nice work



So starting here with a fresh day of reviewing I was glad to have stumbled onto this game It not only was different But It was kind of unique in its own way ofcourse so nice way to start things off, There are a few things needing some Ironing out and I will say that it may not be needed as you have some solidd work here, Very fun, and pleasent music, the gameplay was fun, seemed abit slow but was very fun,and some nice upgrades it had, i had lots of fun with this one



Haha this was fun, but the starting gets way loud, even the guy talking was way loud, anyways it was cute and funny, i had fun with it it is the little detail within the game itself That shined off very well so please do make even more down the road I look forward to even more of these types and had a fun experience with this game so nice work


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