
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice card

So this was worthwhile and my final words on this was terrific game but still found it pretty entertaining and fun so nice work on this game entry Heheh well nice card for the times, it had some nice effects and actions, one of the better cards around here in a long while, nice choice of music aswell, great job


Touchy topic

OK well it had some good gameplay, and the artwork was decent, was abit tough on small people but not bad, not my favorite topic though, thats why it might be abit touchie


Really good tutorial

Good basic tutorial You have a really good tutorial here, the idea of it was really nice you have some cool visuals in this particular tutorial and I like how you have presented it, and this is a helpful tutorial type for most people that still use this kind of element anyways nice game tutorial, The idea here was pretty fantastic even time has changed some things this was still a nice tutorial for what it is and I do hope you make more of these updated ones of course overall its a fun game type.



There was no negitive but eliminating a few weaker points would be nice but again may not be needed as you had some nice results here Well notbad at all love the idea of comics, they seem to be more of what newgrounds like, anyways nice work it was neat as it went along.


Very nifty tutorial you have here

A Very nifty tutorial you have here it is not perfect but is a good game tutorial that you have created here even added a small twist in there and thats what I liked about it, you bring a bit of fun to making tutirials hope you make more of these some day, even though you may have to change up some things in todays market as some stuff has changed over the years but its always nice to see some added changes now and then but this was a nice little tut you have created nice work here.


Nice idea

This has to be a great idea, the tut itself is so easy to understand and the animation was cool, what you have here is a great unique tutorial, not that i would suggest making this heh, but it was neat, maybe add some music though


A nice tutorial

Some nice music in this one Well this was a nice tutorial you have here you detail the main points pretty good here and it moves along very well I like the content of it all and while these are classic editions they are still a nifty kind of game or tutorial so nice job indeed, It is game tuts like this one that I have enjoyed over the years and you seem to really bring them a live even in todays chages of the the platforms and systems, These types are always a plus and have helped me in the past plenty so nice work.


A nifty tutorial

Simple and easy It is game tuts like this one that I have enjoyed over the years and you seem to really bring them out, The idea here was pretty fantastic even time has changed some things this was still a nice tutorial, A nifty idea here and tutorial you cant go wrong with a great learning experience as you have showcased you have some good ideas on this one and they all seemed to play out well would be nice if people did make more of these anyways good stuff here, hope you make more of these some day even though you may have to change up some things, anyways nice entry.


A fun tutorial

Easy to understand simple and to the point I love tutorials like this they bring on some nice educational elements and thats all a big plus, you have some cool visuals in this particular tutorial and I like how you have presented it, and this is a helpful tutorial type for most people, I also found this to be A fun tutorial with some nice ideas to help and guide one on the way to success of the tutorial element anyways nice work here.


Needs more

Well since its your first its ok, but could use lots of work, remember it pays to take your time, and make every little detail possible, the little things matter, and it would be better in the outcome, but im glad to see your first movie make it, its all a learning exp from now


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