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honestly thats how it should be You have a divine game here Perhaps some changes could take place later for improvment but nothing major Ha ok it was ok, i like the design on the computer, and the best part was the "911" heh nice try anyways nice game here



Theres a lot of things you could focus on but You have shown off some good skills here and have shown some good little details that really get noticed Hey i go away for a few days and ya win the feature heh, anyways great job, you get my 10's, this was nice work loved it 100%, sheesh i wish i knew how to use flash as good as you, anyways keep up the great quality stuf



Kind of reminds me of something going on like a big event with all the little details There is somethings that could be more functional but for the mostpart I like what you have done here Hmmm ok well that was different, i like the different buttons to choose the different scenes, nice work here hope to see more like this sometime



It was odd and different but unique in its own way and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all, and honestly thats how it should be You have a divine game here Perhaps some changes could take place later for improvment but nothing major OK well that was a different game, didnt really know what to do atfirst hehe just different i say


Solid game

So the game itself is fun some good strategy is needed already at level 3 it was intense and hard Looks like you have piled up all the right building blocks and made this into one fun and entertaining game you even brought in some style to this making it something unique, nifty and even a lil different I was really impressed with this one This one seemed a tad underrated because there was not much that was lackluster


Great board

I like all the amenities and powering forward with great success never happens the first time out But I believe you have shown the effort and hard work on these game types OK that was one of the better sound boards around here, nice work, it was well done, and the sounds were clear great work


Go fish

Can really be fun and worth it So keep doing what you do best There are even things that could make this even more productive but its some solid work inded Ha that was a well made game, great job, nice game controll, and great graphics, an overall great and entertaining game


Good graphics

This was someting differant for sure, and you gave it some appeal and I was pretty entertained with what you do have here but for the most part of it its pretty amusing and entertaining Nice artwork, i like the detail, very good work, kinda reminds me of dead babies stuff but anyways notbad, cant wait for the full version


Very good game

You have a nice platformer game here the graphics are intense effects are nice the controls are very smooth and a welldone game So this is one of those ideas of a game that you turned from bronze into gold and thats basicly taking this simplistic concept and making it a very fun idea, a unique concept and just overall fun game And here is a submission Loaded with lots of goodies and the development is just as good this one also had a great Buzz about it


Nice game

Good entry here it was entertaining and kept me entertained thru-on out the entire submission some additions could be added though, maybe some extra features and such but I got some fun entertaining experience here but still would like to see more on this, it was kind of simplicity but it also has a Swanky feel so nice job there and look forward to more, Great game, really liked the gameplay, was very choppy though, good art aswell, keep it up.


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