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A fun game entry here some nice addition of details and good visual made for a fun game even as fun as it can be but I was pretty impressed with this game and the end results so nice game overall and just made me enjoy the simple games even more Notbad of a game, not what i expected, i love some of the options, could have had a better instructions set-up, but i figured it all out, nice game though, nice work indeed



This was a nifty tetris the bunny element was odd lol I love the theme of Tetris you graced us with entertainment for us all to enjoy with a style all on its own tetris for the ages this was a fun and active game with multiple elements that made this a more unique tetris style the Tetris theme is always a plus and you made it fun and entertaining and that's what we want so for me at least I have enjoyed this game of Tetris here so nice game


Tetris cool

Controls tend to freeze up at times A unique kind of Tetris styles and themed game here Games like this are fun and tricky creating a fun tetris style game can be complicated at times but seems like you have it down keeping the creativity alive on this one and for those small things you have made this classic a fun one not only making the classic pop alive but making it fun and entertaining but anyways a good game here



Graphics can be improved maybe a rotation of backround graphics A good game indeed most impressive I would say and you bring on some nifty visuals and gameplay Tetris games are nice this was slightly different A cool game here A nice tetris style game you have here I have come across some nice tetris games here A cool tetris game you have created here it's games like this that keep the portal exciting or at least till the next big thing it thrives on fun and simple games such as tetris


A fun tetris game type

Music could be changed out now and then theres a lot of tetris games but this particular one was good, A very fun game type of tetris here even if there is a lot of these types out there this was A fun tetris game type and I really have come to enjoy it very much so nice job indeed and hope you make more sometime.



Controls could be smoother Gotta love some tetris as you have gone all out on this game of tetris or simular likeness you really make it look good and easy, Tetris that classic game with an all new idea visual and twist, but anyways keep making creative games like this one.


Fun game

So this here was a fun game indeed with some nice ideas around it while it is just a classic game you do bring out all the fun in it so nice job indeed, wish more people would make more of these types of games so really nice job on this classic of tetris.


Nice one

The game itself is pretty fun seems to be glichie at times as somethings dont always load right away, all the medals are nice though, Theres a lot of things you could focus on but You have shown off some good skills here and have shown some good little details that really get noticed, Kind of reminds me of something going on like a big event with all the little details. There is somethings that could be more functional but for the mostpart I like what you have done here


Cute game

nifty and even a lil different I was really impressed with this one This one seemed a tad underrated because there was not much that was lackluster Ok well notbad, it had cute like style, i like the options, also had some decent animations, so notbad



The game is fun and its for sure different from what we normally see I like the medal options graphics are pretty decent and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all


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