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things responded well and you have a nice theme going on so for me this was a fun tetris style and just love the vibe and flavour of this tetris game make more of these tetris ones because I'm sure you could really make it more fuesed with new mechanics creating a whole new game out of it but I do like what you do have on this Tetris style game it's a game that never gets old even in this form my suggestion here is make it a way so that the blocks drop faster


Good idea here

A nice game indeed that's what makes this fun because you can never have too much of some stylish games like this one and you keep it fresh I still have found these more simple ones to bring on some fun ideas simple gameplay but it was fun and had a blast with this game I like the style and idea, very original, the buttons could be larger though, and add sound, but notbad


Nice one

A fun element here and that's what makes this fun because you can never have too much of some stylish games like this one no but really this was a nice and fun game was pretty entertaining and I love the visuals and gameplay and that's what makes this game Hmmm well i like the button idea, the audio well it could be improved, the artwork has some improvments in the near future, well hope to see others soon



Hehe ok well when i thaught i had seen the last tetris another shows up heheh, ohwell, it was good tetris is always fun, heh just that i seen this version like a million times hehe notbad though



Interesting and abit different, but i like it needs abit more some pazazz would be great dont know what pazazz is but when you do use it could it will make it a great game, hehe anyways nice fun game


maQ74 responds:

Thank you! This game was written 20 years ago LOL, if I hadn't lost the source code for it I would definitely add a s*!tload of pazazz!!

Nice game

Graphics and art style could have more depth and detail A nice Tetris twist here I love the style and how well it plays off into the next part and you have added some nice unique style about the game and it was a plus especially for me so for me this was a fun and thrilling tetris game you bring on some fun Tetris classic elements but also add in your own flavour to it and that was a nice addition for a Tetris game but anyways nice classic Tetris here


Nifty game

Another fine Tetris version these do come in and you made it fun you gave it some nice gameplay action with a few extras the Rythym Twist that you had in there that made this game that much better so nice game indeed love the Tetris style and this was a pretty decent version of Tetris still keeping the entertainment alive in a classic like this I love the replay value this classic brings and you made it so there are some nice visuals too


Nice work

fun game indeed while it's a simple game I still have found these more simple ones to bring on some fun ideas simple gameplay and good graphics but underneath all the simple it brings on the complex idea of a good game you have some nice talents too Love the effects on this film, great storyline, and love the 4 options given, such a great idea, keep it up



A wild and fun game I have to admit that you don't see much of these types anymore but this was a one of a kind of game I was pretty impressed with this game and the end results so nice game It's these types that really jump out at you and that's what I liked in this entry Heheh ill admit that was very interesting and entertaing, very artisc, just loved it, cant get any better the that, great work keep it up, and hope to see more soon.



Well here we are with a fun and unique stylish game I have to admit that you don't see much of these types anymore come through the portal but I did find this one to be interesting and you even added your own twist of things here and that makes for a nice entry Wow i loved all of this even without level two, still great stuff, hope to see more soon, and congrats on the awards


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