
11,872 Game Reviews

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So this was kind of like space invaders it was an easy interesting idea of food especially that pizza level lol but anyways nice concept and mix of astroids and food anyways nice game here


Very nice

You sure do have a lot of these but still found it interesting and I dont think the name jinx is a dumb one lol, great character work here awsome depth in this entry and a great series at that so nice work indeed



Really enjoy the depth you put into the series some nice concepts most of all I really enjoy these character details, Well here we are with a fun and unique stylish game I have to admit that you don't see much of these types anymore come through the portal but I did find this one to be interesting


These are pretty nice

This was just another episode of the series but the idea and concept is nice and the character development really evolves and you ad some nice depth in this game I love the passion on this one but anyways good game here



so the lore idea on here was pretty good, A nice game indeed that's what makes this fun because you can never have too much of some stylish games like this one and you keep it fresh, animation was pretty good on this too overall a fun entry


Very nice

Not sure if I have checked out the others but this one has some nice character development and also love the depth this one goes into especially with the multple routs it takes so it was a fun game entry here keep up the amazing work


Very interesting

I like what you did here with the 3/D and engine really looks good the music was pretty solid too, I have enjoyed here so nice game works here, and that 3/D element is really nice so great work on this one here it was fun



The game is fun, i have always loved tic tac toe, but this is like a whole new twist making it fun and entertaining, and the graphics are not that bad either, maybe you should make a new version with new stuff sometime, anyways fun game. More level options of a new style of game or something that is different from the classic version Fun classic tic tac toe, but more funner


A fun one

Fun game kinda like tetris or bejewled, its neat though and very fast paced, i did have fun with it and the bright colors are notbad, nice job. hope to see more games like it on the portal sometime, anyways nice job Maybe a mini game kinda thing where a new window opens up or something. Fun game, like bejewled


Nifty game

This was a fun game, but why the huge size, you know alot of us still have 56k well more then 50% of the users do, but anyways, the game was fun, simple but fun Could add more color all around... Try and compress the file size nobody likes a large movie some people dont even watch a large file, so in that aspect your draw away users from veiwing your work, so a little compression would improve on this Fun game abit simple but fun indeed


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