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Nice tutorial

You have a nice tutorial here Nice game submission I love the passion on this one and that's the thing about these types of games you can pretty much make anything you went ahead and made an interesting game with some odd yet unique details and some pretty decent ones on top of that well a decent and funny little tutorial, great job, but isnt this like common sence heheh, ohwell great jon anyways


Nice one

But its still ok i guess, but im not going to that site, well anyways it was a funny little game, could be better, but i guess only the real creator could change that, ohwell nice game anyhow, some added depth with art and graphics would be nice


Very creative

The control system is amazing the interactivity is amazing takes time getting use too on this one also love the creative color elements too A fine game indeed so it had some good depth of detail just wish more people made these efforts in there games now your submission here was good and some decent details and gameplay came through was pretty happy with this one as a whole it was a win win all around, Also love the music in this


Nice game here

The graphics and art is rich and you really make the colors standout the controls a lil wonky at first but easy to understand you created a wonderful worls with this game A cool game here A nice platformer game you have here I have come across some nice platformer games here A cool platformer game you have created here for us all to enjoy with a style all on its own platformer for the ages this was a fun and active game with multiple elements that made this a more unique platformer you gave it some nice gameplay action with a few extras that made this game that much better so nice game indeed


Windows sim

Some added sounds more interactivity options would be a plus I had some fun with these windo sim types and have to say you did a fantastic job here, Well I have to say this was one of the better window sims out there I use to have so much fun with these back in the early days of the grounds, and this was pretty impressive, I like your idea here and you make this classic pretty fun so awsome job indeed, and on a last note of this review these sims games are simple and fun.



Well it was entertaining and you cant go wrong with some britney lol Ok that was funny, hehehe another Britney, to ad to the many in her series, anyways it was fun, and very entertaining, great artwork aswell, but anyways had fun with this game


A good scene game

Well it was ok, could have used more items, im a fan of dress-ups so this was cool, and maybe some music, not bad though Some nice detail in this game and even more fun elements lol no but really this was a cool version of a game even as the game plays throughout you still bring in some nice ideas here and everyone loves a good ol game and you have presented us with something good here.


A nice game

This was a nice game could use much more though these types of games you can pretty much make anything you went ahead and made an interesting game Hmmmm well looks like from what others are saying this could be stolen hmmm, and whats up with the green, ohwell, maybe next time. maybe more improvments next time on this one


A classic of a classic

The idea is nice but the art and graphics could be more smoothed out and such I say this is a classic because these window sim type of games are pretty classic and you made it fun Well what we have here is A classic of a classic ine of those fun yet simple style of games but still decent this one was decent and love the whole simplicity of this old classic game, so with that said make more of these one day maybe a modern day one, But regardless of the results of the game it was most entertaining.


supersoniclucian responds:

would definitely make a remaster, as i dont use scratch anymore it will be made in gdevelop so i have more freedom with this type of stuff,
anyways i might start working on that as i have not uploaded here in a while


Hehehe ok well it was abit fun, but the art needs some work, and the gameplay could use some revamping, but i did have abit of fun with it, so not bad, A fine game indeed so it could use some good depth of detail just wish more people made these with more passion nice game overall


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