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That was funny, i liked it, the gameplay was decent, What a fun little game here I think it made for a nice game you even added in your own and i liked the art, it was cool, great job, like the sound-FX aswel but besides all that could use more content


Fun and simple

I love how well the controls work well and respond well Awesome find in the portal with this game that keeps coming back but you seem to have done a little more with this particular entry and added in a few extras and it really does showcase well and those are the best parts of games like this it's a gem of a game, Art and graphics are very nice



Well its ok, i like the set up thoigh, i didnt hear any sound hmmm, anyways could use some revamping I like the creative elements that you push forward to make a game like this but still after its all done it does need much more content and more options



Ok i find thease types always fun, make different patterns, set the different settings is kinda fun, just very interactive, so not bad at all, great job, it was fun Another delightful game here back in the day we would get lots of these types, I found it fun



Not bad work, could use some more bulets or maybe i just didnt know how to reload or somthing, but not bad, lots of instructions heheh, but anyways nice work Awesome find in the portal with this game that keeps coming back but you it was a fun game



Im a fan of dress-ups, this isnt to bad, items are kinda small, i like the colore changer though, some of the items overlaped items that should have not overlaped that item, i myself have learned the whole layer stuff, but anyways, some music might be nice aswell, needs more items, not bad though


This game was beautiful and love the fantastic use of color and suprise in this it really does jump nice from point to point and keeps you on your toes Unique and fun to play I do love the effort into the game keeping the theme alive and strong it's still a fun game and I was pretty impressed so this reviewer loves these types and makes it that much more fun to review and especially love the depth of detail, The color is what really jumped out at me and that music was nice indeed.


This was fun

I love the idea of the jumping from planet to planet I do think making the planets different colors and maybe they could mean more medals or something, the music was really nice A nice game entry here a cool style too so as always these kinds of games are always fun and you see somany from the past this was a nice one I like the vibe on this particular game bringing on some nifty details and visuals of course some nice gameplay and once again the music was really nice



Nice game indeed and even adding in some unique details makes for a good game and we don't really see too much of this kind but this one was refreshing and with some good work so nice here I love when a plan comes together like this one here This is like the best of the best, it was perfect in every way, great job very well done, my best was 523 feet, i would love to know how to make this if you could, anyways great job


Some work could be done

Well, the audio was just kind of plain, the tricks well were not really tricks as some might say, the button to go to the next page was always in a different place, and well it needs more work A nice game entry here a cool style too the audio could use some more effort on it


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