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The character work is notbad seems like there could be some added art details within some of the character work, but overall funny stuff Ok well it could be better but its decent, i like the gameplay, notbad. work here it was an interesting game you have here


Funny Monkey

Lol well this one was pretty entertaining Heheh that was a decent game, it needs more detail on the ground or backrounds, maybe more items aswell, but it was fun, and gotta love that monkey, the whole monkey element made it entertaining so nice job there



Great game, really like the music, its a very good game, the gameplay is excelent, my only problem is the tiny little buttons for the bubbles, just so small, anyways great job this was a nifty idea of a game you made it fun atleast and thats what I have enjoyed here



its more like a advertisment, I could see you adding onto this and make more like a game but overall I still found it fun cool you have created here a nice vibe about it too with a nice style, but it being more of an advert seems to mess up the idea here.



Ok like the idea it was decent, it just seemed abit glichie, on some of the death items, but keep up the good work, i wish i knew how to do this, its cool I think it made for a nice game you even added in your own flavour seems like you could ad even more extras into this game


The game is nice

This is an intense game I love the intense graphics and the load times of the guns are nice no major lag and the medals make it that much fun the controls are easy to handle, I like the creative elements that you push forward to make a game like this one really just let it thrive all on its own it's creators that have passion and bring depth to games even as simple as this one so nice snake version it's the passion that shows very well, I did think there was just too much adverts comming while not anoying just holds up the game, really nice shooting game you have here


I love the style

I really like the style here especially the story mode element, the text on the screen seemed a bit small, Also love that this is like a platformer and the story element adds more depth to it, The levels were easy as sht and then comes the boss kinda tough there with that boss Nifty in detail with this game Another delightful game here back in the day we would get lots of these types and don't see them too often but I like the version you have created here it's still snake but you mixed it up a tad and went beyond the normal, a nice platformer style game here



Ok that was cool, kinda freaky with some of the images, but a nice little music thingie, Game entries like this are an interesting kind of game here I do like the visual images though and makes it somewhat different but still kinda freaky lol anyways nice job



great job that was funny, might wanna add some backrounds though, i like the game play, it was fun and entertaining, keep up the good work a nice vibe about it too with a nice style some interesting visual details, another fun game in the books if you ask me keep it going good



Heheh ok that was fun, was very fast, maybe slow it down after each score or somthing, its cool though, not a bad game, keep up the good work Nifty in detail with this game Another delightful game here, its games like this that really make it more fun.


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