
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun This was fun, it was very fast though, fun game and nice graphics like the color wals and such, anyways nice feel to a classic game, nice job Maybe make the screen abit larger if you could


Interesting This was a fun game, the graphics could b improved abit, also you should think about reducing the file size especialy for the content, anyways it was a fun game, keep it up Some file reduction, and more entertaining options for the users


This was an ok game. the controls were very nice and really responded well, aswell as have some nice effects with the weapons, not only that but it had some nice graphics very fun and neat, i had fun with this, nice game indeed. Make more versions if you can


A nice puzzle and strategy game here with some interesting twists on this, Its a simple game but you bring on some nice art that looks pretty good, With its simplicity about I wish there was some more harder challanging points but honestly still had some fun on this game


A nice shooter here you really made it so it has a sort of arcade feeling, I like the game and the level ups are nice, You even added your own twist of things here and that makes for a nice entry, So for me this was an entertaining game here I was pretty impressed


This was notbad and for one of your first games its pretty nice, The concept of this game could have been more original The idea of trying to get that next star was a good challange and thats what I liked on this game, Some improved progression and some added upgrades would be nice


Nice game here with some really nice level design I do think some more harder elements in this would be a nice add on, Some sort of end game content like a boss of sorts would be a plus, I enjoyed this game for what it is so nice entry nice platformer style of a game


Cute Haha ok this was cute i had fun with it, you should add some backrounds maybe some color, maybe other options for the arrow guys and other weapons but its a good time waster, nice job. Add some backrounds besides the plain white one you have, or atleast a base color so that it doesnt look so bland


Simple but fun Lol a simple click fast game, it seems that i could only score 27 on it though, it was fun, could use all sorts of bugs to swatt, lol, anyways fun game Add more bug options like more bugs in the backrounds


Entertaining game, the graphics were neat had a unique look to it, but it was a fun little game, you should add more levels and such More levels with new enemies and such but anyways it was notbad


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