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Notbad This was an ok game was fun but you should finish it or add more to it more otions, i would love to see the full version sometime, anyways nice game, keep up the good work. Some more user options


Very nice game here the graphics and art style is most impressive the game seems too hard though i would suggest some moderate elements maybe even some check points of sorts, And the game is fun but would be nice to have a time or more tome to complete areas etc, regardless this was a pretty fun game


A nice retro like game and you gave the graphics that retro feel as a platformer game its a pretty solid game nice mechanics and fun play, The game can be pretty tricky but is pretty fun at the same time, some nice work indeed


A great Robot day game you really push the idea but I also love the depth of the game and overall it was a pretty fun game, some nice ideas here and everyone loves a good ol game and for robot day this was a great entry but anyways nice work


A fun adventure with this game allthough them guards seem pretty easy to avoide most of the time, the game runs pretty good and smooth, was pretty happy with this one as a whole it was a win win and some fun interactivity anyways nice game here


Cool game I remember these types a fun movie / game element and really has some fun endings but have to be quick on your feet or fingers in this case lol, regardless this was pretty impressive afun game good story element


I enjoyed this game not sure if I played the others but seems like you worked and maybe finished on another? regardless this was pretty fun kind of a memory lane moment lol, Appreciate the cool graphics was really nice to see and play with this kind of game


This was a neat game This was a neat game, lots of interaction which made it fun, and it also had a nice look to it good characters with fresh colors and neat interaction, anyways nice job. Maybe less buttons in areas it doesnt need, there just seemed to be too much buttons everywhere.


Entertaining and fun I had fun with this, i didnt like how the game freezes when you shoot it sorta lags up at that point, but it was a fun basic shooter, keep up the good gam making though Make different type of enemies, and dont freeze it when you shoot


Simple and fun This was abit simple but i had fun with it, the graphics was notbad either could be abit sharper looking, but besides that it was entertaining and fun Some sharper sprites would be nice


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