
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was a different kind of game but was still unique and fun, You have established a good submission here with this entry and with a good and positive attitude But anyways I dont wish to be negitive at all with this one because it was actually pretty Groovy keep making games like this


Entertaining quiz style

DC Comics Series version Very entertaining this game was, you showcased some fun graphics and art style here and that made it more enjoyble and overall I really loved the concept here but most of all I found this game to be very entertaining, its these types of games thats really jump out at you and make you think this was pretty good but with that said awsome job here and hope to see more soon in the future.


A good effort on the quiaz game

Informitive for sure Nice game you have presented here I actually wish more people made these types of games because they can be pretty entertaining, you showcased some fun graphics and art style here and that made it more enjoyble and overall I really loved the concept, I really like the vibe and energy of this particular quizz game you really made it work well, But regardless I had fun on this one


This was fun

This one was pretty challenging but still found it fun, A fun and entertaining game here you made some nice visuals and gameplay good on this game very nice work on this one, its these types of games thats really jump out at you and make you think this was pretty good but with that said awsome job, I found this to be a good little quizz game and nice style overall there was some visual points that could be improved but overall it was a nice and entertaining game submission.



ok the sound could be alot better, i like how you put a decent story into the game, most games dont have a good story, and you have added some nice story to this game keep up the good work


hehe i stopped about 13 after that it just got abit boring, but it was fun to start off with, hehe like that double pump gun, great job on this nifty little game, you have some nice ideas here and some good elements in this game.



it was a fun game, but wasnt this submitted before? regardless there are some ideas that could improve on the game it was an entertaining one and while it has been submissted it was a decent little game



So first off this was a decent representation of your ideas and fun you put into this was kinda confused at first but not bad, kinda different, the music wasnt to bad either seems like you really could ad in some more content and such overall it was notbad



I like these types loved the brick choice lol these types of game submissions while they dont get the recognition they deserve but they are interesing and unique in there own way, I think adding in more brutal options would be a plus, You have established a good submission here with this entry and with a good and positive attitude, anyways fun game nice medals



ok not bad, animation could be abit better, and there could be a few more death options but still a funny and good game, thanks for the fun I am reviewing another one of these fantastic game submissions now dont get me wrong there are some things that could use more effort like the graphics could use more depth and the animation could be smoother


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