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Ninja platformer right here and you can even jump off walls very nice, you have some nice talents too so nice game here, Mysugestion is ad some type of deeper story element and really let it be creative, but overall its a fun game here I liked it


Good game entry here with this one it can get pretty hard as it progresses but guess thats the intent, I still like the details and gameplay of this game, Underneath all the simple it brings on the complex idea of a good game so please do keep that up


Very nice work

Wow i was really impressed with this, cant say i have seen a tutorial like this, had a nice look to it and had a nice design, and the music really helped as well with lots of fat animation at the end, very nice work I would suggest some color in the white parts of it Great tutorial, and neat music, nice job


Nice soundboard

This was decent, the soundboard was not bad, infect it was decent, the buttons were ok, but could look a bit better, i would go one step further and add more to it say like some, clips from the show with each button, anyways nice job Add some sleeker looking buttons, and add some sorta clips of the 3 stooges to go with each button Good soundboard of 3 stooges, could be slightly improved


A nice submission of a game here I still have found these more simple ones to bring on some fun ideas, The characters and the music was very nice, simple gameplay but it was fun and had a blast with this game once again great music and fun platformer


These games are always nice with the style and strategy elements, controls was odd but still made it work, The death animations for the ships was interesting still something interesting, but overall a fun little game here


I like the intro on this game, The death and having to restart a bit ways back was frustraiting the game itself is a nice shooter element and some fun interactivity, And overall a fun game I still think it needs some added polish though nice job regardless


Needs more

This was actually an ok idea, but needs to be presented better, with much more props, aswell as a user friendly of it all, some stuff i didnt know how to move them, anyways nice idea, just needs more stuff and more work on it More props, and some instructions Neat creator board but needs more



Ha this was actually a fun game, good backrounds, decent control play, and hey its the star from sponge bob haha, it did lack music and or sound/FX fun game just needs music Add some sound and or sound/fx Fun game simple but fun



Pong a fin made one at that, didnt have awsome graphics but it had a sense of fun to it, not boring like pong can be but was fun, the ball starts off to slow you should keep it at the speed it increases at lke all the time, anyways fun game Keep the ball at a better speed Fun game but its just pong can only go so far


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