
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun game and some interesting things came about it Neat idea, I like how you have made your own version of pong here, and how you have a high score system. The animations were cool, and it was just like the classic games, but with something new. The music was clear, and went well with your game. The gameplay was smooth, and I enjoyed playing this very much indeed.


Very nifty game you have created here today Interesting, the green text at the start was lol and the music that kicks off was a nice touch sort of like a real movie starts off, so props to you, and nice work with the keyboard style set up at the starting, looks like you set it up well, so nice work indeed


This was actually a very nice and unique game dont think I have seen anything like this one and was confusing to figure out some things but takes some time with it, The art colab was a nice twist on this, The game is very creative and brings some art to the front of the line too so nice game here I rather enjoyed what you have created here


Well once again another fun and entertaining game here it did take awhile to get from one end to the other almost felt like i was sinking if I didnt jump lol, But it was fun getting the one medal lol, A fun and silly game here jeep up the fun games


This was nice an epic battle of sorts and such the battls could use more rewarding end results though, The prices didnt seem to change from different levels and points, Does take a bit of time to really get into everything in the game, looking forward to the next installment of this game if there is one its actaully a pretty fun game, And enjoyed the ships and content anywayss nice game here


This was a nice game here some fun interactivity I really like the music but the graphics was pretty impressive so nice job indeed, I did die a good bit in this game though, Some precise timing and such is needed though overall this was notbad and pretty fun of a game


I like these pipe match types of games and have to say you really outdid yourself with this particular one the visuals graphics are nice on this especially with the pipe design, this was a fun strategy and skill game a good pipe match game here


The very good graphics was nice on this game very intense visuals, The puzzles and secrets in this game are pretty amazing, lost in the portal but I found this good treasure of a find and I am glad i did It has lots of possibilities it has some nifty concept ideas about it, the game had its difficult moments but through trial and error and enough patience it was all possible but does bring on some fun challange, And you work out all the details perfectly so as I start more into this review I am pretty pleased with how this is starting out so nice game, Fun skill game here does bring on some fun challange


Ha another fun and silly game here I like the small screen I guess it could be called the mini platformer game so it was fun here silly and fun as always and cant go wrong with a little bit of perter lol, but anyways some fun element of games here


A nice game entry here Great game that was just awesome to play you have some great flash skills here. The game play was good and the menu looked nice, I like how there was a loading screen and the spaceships looked great. The sound effects were nice. Keep it up and make some more I look forward to it


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