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Nice entry you have made here It was an ok game but it kind of takes a while to finish it up but that is cool because that means it can be addictive, I like the graphics and the draws you have here it is very organized and has lot of great detail into it, I like the menu system and the gameplay. Its a good idea but it could use more stuff in the game Good job so far. so keep at it


Some fun stuff Nice idea you have here, i like the game play very much indeed its fun that it gets harder and harder in the game and the gun moving around is cool, I like the sound effects and all the silly animals you have running around to shoot, its a good little game so more of them would be cool but overall this was notbad


Well I cleared everything on the board from pepironis to pizza slices lol he sure was yummy and the controls ran smooth and the game was a silly fun little one but was pretty entertaining, I think adding on more italian elements would be good anyways nice job


The mechanics on this skill game are pretty good some nice upgrades too, You have Achieved something good here something special here something crisp and balanced here all with a good making it fun and an overall good time with this one, Its a slow game but pickes up and things do get more intense, So I have enjoyed this piece here and hope to see more games from you soon so keep up the good work, Overall a fun game gets better as you progress


I felt like this game was pretty good with some nice flair and style and with the platformer elements, The hit detection and collision could be better but in the end this was actually pretty good and a style all on its own but I really enjoyed the gameplay on this one


Well this was a fun game its graphics are simple and the controls very easy to understand I like that you have a lot of medals and achievments and such so a fun game indeed, Maybe too easy so does need more challange aboout it anyways fun game here


Well this was an interesting game dealing with shapes and placments really fun and nice strategy skill style, So I like the this game it seems to go on with a nice style and ever just like the portal it was a fun find you can still find some positive games like this one, Graphics are simple and fun the game is not too hard but is fun, You have a good and productive on this game aswell as a functional piece of game so nice job, A fun strategy and skill based game


Another fun game here this is really fun, and addictive game to play I really like this game The graphics, style, and gameplay are just really well done and I see no problems or errors with them at all, I like the way the puke moves and the animations in the game Good job, and keep it up and make more


Well this was some fun This was not bad at all, it had some ok gameplay, but the artworks/graphics are just too plain, seems like it was done in about a day, with better detail and designs on the ships and props, it could be far better then it is, still some awesome gameplay though, make more soon


Decent game entry here you have graced us with Well I don't know what all the flashing was about but it was making me laugh, the face with the number 1 or something was hehe, kind of odd but it was random humor so I liked it unique details makes for a good game and we don't really see too much of this kind seems like it could use a tad more


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