
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice shooter

Conntrols are really good on the game including shooting, You have a good style here, I really like how you have shown lots of things such as effort, quality and time spent on this, Games come to the portal a dime a dozen but I like how this one was different., but you have started a good game here and it gets better as you go on.

The screen was somewhat small but still found it easy to play, there are a lot of ideas and options in the game and thats what really makes this game fun so really nice job there, anyways keep up the good game designing in the future.


A fun game

So I found this to be a fun game, Does seem to need some power ups as it lack of some upgrades the controls kept sticking maybe it was just me, You did bring some good creativity and style into this game, The music is great Sofar you have done well on this one, Allthough there is some room for improvment slightly, Was not sure how I was going to start this review off because you have already have shown the great talents that you posess. This was a swanky entry, It could even be called spectacular in my opinion ofcourse.



At the start has a tetris feel about it but then as you play though its different, The floating of the blocks as you click on them was pretty nifty too, Use of color is nice and fresh, the game itself is pretty simple and easy, Nice easy music makes it a pleasent game play, Level 14 started getting tricky,

It doesn't take much to know that this is well done. and you have done just that to make a great game, I am glad I checked this game submission out. I like what you have Processed here very nice indeed, Keep making some amazing games.


Very nice game

The game has tons of medals and thats a plus also love the music too, The game was pretty intense you pushed the limits on this one, The shooting is very good and advanced the top view is awsome too a very good and deep game here so props to you on the efforts here

You have put lots of smiles on the viewers of this game especially this reviewer, You have made it a big task and completed it with lots of energy and lots of detail through out this game. It was a divine game infact it was kind of Groovy and Loaded with lots of entertaining elements, What struck me as really cool In this game was how you were able to have so many cool looking things going on.


A nifty game

The game is fun to play it is something different then the normal you have some nice mechanics within the game itself, this game had some nifty stuff about it. there could be some added stuff and I suggest addin in even more medals for it, I do love the art style of the game was nice to see,

Now here is a game that makes good use of the elements, a fun game, and allthough I have been playing for abit I seem to be lost in it, Dont think its the perfect game, but I found it to be inlightening, and delightfull, not to mention fun and even silly at times. The Development of this seems pretty awsome, Hope to see more of your games down the road.



I found this game to be unique and an interesting concept The game is visually stunning some really nice graphics here This is great! I probably only like it because I'm such a huge fan of these types. of games When you combine all the stuff Thats in here you get good results and you have done just that, So props to you on this game, I had a smile on my face the whole time. throughout this flash. I dint find this Lackluster at all and that was a good thing.


Simple and fun

Hard at first but gaining the right path makes it more easy and simple, great game it´s addicting This one flows smoothly like a river stream, and keeps flowing with fun elements all through-out fun ideas and and entertaining concept, so you have grabbed my attention with this fine piece of fun. This representation was great it had some very Acceptable and outstanding elements that made it an all around fun game and such.


Cute game

You have a cute game here the characters and the dialogue are just as cute so nice efforts there the art is simple and the controls respond as intended, good effort and some good amount of detail, I do like this game type and game style, Now its not perfect but has some decent potential, This game entry you have here is differant and has its own style and element about it. I have really come to enjoy this piece, anyways keep at it, it was a pleasure and a fun game.


A fun shooter

Well you do have a fun little shooter here It does seem to lag at times The medals are hard maybe make some easier ones or moderate to hard ones, The game idea is both amusing and challenging. but as mentioned this is a good and unique idea, you made it work, and goes to show old ideas can still be different, Anyways nice game.



So a classic frogger have not seen one of these types in a bit but you did do a nice job here, I believe some Improved graphics and art details would be a plus, Nice idea with the music options that was very good, Keep up the great work! my Impression on this one is that of an impressive start.


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