
11,872 Game Reviews

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Haha this was a true avoider game for sure lol and this game never seems to end but thats ok it was fast paced at first didnt know what I was hitting but the space element in this game was nice, anyways nice little space shooter game


Another fun action shooter of a game here, a new style and concept here the game can be fairly easy but still fun even with those pesky rockets lol, you bring on the whole unique element and make it look easy so nice game here I like it indeed


You made an interesting game here lots of nifty features Unique and fun to play I do love the effort into the game keeping the theme alive and strong it's still a fun game and I was pretty impressed, Very nice game here the decaying walls and the shields and even the switches really made this something different, So this reviewer loves these types and makes it that much more fun to review and especially love the depth of detail, All in all a nice game and love the the time-based score system really had some fun on this game


Very interesting game with this entry and has some high energy and fast paced elements keeps you on your feet, The end results are nice so nice game It's these types that really jump out at you and that's what I liked in this entry, Controls take time to adjust and understand the system, but as they do adjust they start to feel very smooth and easy going, so anyways a fun little game here


Didnt really find much negitives about this game but did enjoy it for what it is, Seems like you could add on a mixture of add ons with nifty bonus rounds or something, but in the end it was a fun little game here and enjoyed what you have created


A cool action shooter game here you have made a difference with this one, This game has a nice and cute element about it, love the anime style on this, I did think rick was too strong lol, but anyways a nice little game here keep it up


Cool game

This was not a bad game kinda fun actually, it could although use a easier version because that circle was really fast but all n all it was fun so not bad, keep up the decent flash stuff Easier versions or something like that Fun game but a bit hard.


A new take on spave invaders Haha ok well a new take on the game , but still the same ol clone, fun but still the same ol same ol, maybe add some color and depth to the backrounds somehow Better backrounds wow the more use of color and such Fun but still a space invaders clone


Tic Tac Toe Haha tic tac toe but bruce lee style not bad, kinda neat but a bit simple, it was B&W which was ok but with a bit of color would have been nice, anyways fun game, hope to see more of your work soon Add some color even if just a bit Fun tic tac toe needs color


Nice game

This was fun but could be better, i wouldnt mind seeing like a little animated character in the corner dancing to it, also some better backrounds would be nice aswell, but the game was fun Better effort in detail like backrounds and such Entertaining game but detail needs work


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