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Originally it was fairly easy but then gets harder as you go along, Nice game submission I love the passion on this one and that's the thing about these types of boards you can pretty much make anything you went ahead and made an interesting game, I liked how you could go back to a level whenever you had beaten the previous ones that was a nifty feature for this game, Some odd yet unique details and some pretty decent ones on top of that, Fun and fast game gotta be quick with this game


This was fun, it is abit small though, maybe make the screen size abit larger somehow, the puzzle was neat and fun but needs to be bigger, anyways nice game make more sometime add more puzzle besides just the one, and make the windowsize much bigger Fun puzzle game but needs more to it


Interesting game The game is very fun, it sorta reminded me of an "ARCADE" of the same theme, anyways it was fun and really responded well to the controls, i had fun playing the game i hope there will be betterversions in the near future Make more games and make it move faster Very fun biker game, great control, and very fun make more please


A Fun game

This was fun, it moved abit slow when moving the monkey but, but i chose the first gun which was fun but hard to shoot the enemy as the aimer is slow, but anyways i had fun with it, nice job Speed up the gun speed and add more rounds Fun shooting game with some neat music behind it.


Good stuff

Wow very good presenttation, i was very impressed with the design and the added sounds, also the insert name was also neat, and as for the tutorial itself it was neat and was really good in teaching about the buttins, nice work indeed Maybe add some reds and blues with brighter colors A good button tutorial with a great design to it, nice job


Well this one here was a nice game the color and music really played well into this, Nice game indeed and even adding in some unique details makes for a good game and we don't really see too much of this kind but this one was refreshing, The platformer element with the block and different controls was for sure interesting, I love when a plan comes together like this one here and you made it come together well with this game very nice, Overall it was a simple and fun little game here love the color element of it all


Wild and fun game here it has a mixture of things like the platformer element and some puzzle solving concepts but with everything else that makes it pretty fun too, It's not everyday we see these kinds of games just didnt know what to expect at times still found the game fun


Cool game the graphics seem like they could have more polish though but dont get me wrong I was pretty impressed with this game, The music was nice and fit well and the content of the game was decent I think just a little polish would go a long ways


An interesting game but this did seem kind of dark the color element and visual effects, A nice game entry here a cool style too so as always these kinds of games are always fun and you see somany from the past this was a nice one, The controls could be smoother they seemed clonky, I like the vibe on this particular game bringing on some nifty details and visuals of course some nice gameplay on this one, And on a lastnote the game was nice some improvments could make this a better experience


Very intense game here it was actually really nice of a game the grapling tool was nice, Some nice detail in this game and even more fun elements lol no but really this was a cool version of a game even as the game plays throughout from start to finish, While this is a platformer game you mixed it in with some 3/D elements and special powers and thats what I liked in this game, you bring in some nice ideas here and everyone loves a good ol game and you have presented us with something good here, So for me this was a unique platformer type of game good job


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