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I love these 3/D types and the graphics just jump out at you the control system responds well and just jumps out at you, Alright you have some good ideas here and I like the concept of this whole thing There was no real lackluster points or anything really lacking, Infact there was not anything unnecessarily done on here This was a professional method and this can really thrive from your ideas, The game itself is pretty hard because getting it to match up is very strategic nice game though



This contains some good visuals and content that was loaded with some excitment but could still use some improved graphics and more replay value to it, I really love these types of game submissions while they dont get the recognition they deserve but they are interesing and unique in there own way


hahah funny

hmmm not bad, great job, liked the big heads they looked funny, the gameplay was just perfect, and not a bad 2player game aswell, here I am reviewing another one of these fantastic game submissions now dont get me wrong there are some things that could use more effort but keep up the decent work




now that one was funny, hahaha, like the controls and that laugh was damn funny as hell but the controls on this was pretty good and seems like you have something here and could even be better



All rock

lol man mine hit rocks all the time, arrg poor monkeys so this was cool, I like the idea here and you made this funny even its a decent game you have here I think you could ad onto this even more the monkeys are fun


Fantastic game

I love the top view I do think adding in more effects more splash when finishing levels would be a plus, Now as I get into this game entry and review alot of things come to mind but I must say that I was pretty impressed with what you did have and some effort does show in this and its the effort you put into it inwich I liked, So it does have potential to be even better in the future with updates and such You have made an impression with me on, as mentioned adding in more effects more splash when finishing levels, The game does get a lil hard after level seven, overall a nice game here.


Nice pac man ver

This was one of the more harder versions Classic or not this was a nice game entry I do love me some added style within these kinds of games so nice pacman here, you really did make it with some added energy and that was a plus, I do look forward to even more of these types, while there are a lot of these types in the portal you bring on some nice element and of course the gameplay within these types of games are always a plus.


Cool its pac-man

This was one of the more stranger pac-mans but still good I like this pac man style of a game its somewhat just like a pac man game you seem to have added in your own twist and style on this game, A good pac-man game here or version as some would say, you bring a few extras in this and kind of give it that re-play value its a plus, here was a nice pac-man type I have played a few of these types some are clones some are not


A fantastic dress-Up

An original character of sparky Dress up games seem like they can be simple but you really pushed the limits on this particular one and thats a big plus and really enjoyed reviewing this one its games like this even a simple dress up game that can be simple yet so fun and entertaining anyways a nice game here i have to say its been a pleasure to review this one here you make it look easy so nice game indeed.


Amazing game

Some added graphic upgrades could be in place more in depth detail Another fine dress up here with some nice visuals and some added extras making it a very nice dress up game i have made these and while not hard not easy either i found this particular game fun and you gave it that creative nature and some good stylization to it and thats a plus in my books and with that all said i have enjoyed this dress up game from start to finish.


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