
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun jumper

This was a fun jumper platformer style lol, it was good very fast and some nice backrounds along with some nice music, needs more medal options, This was A really decent and fun submission you have something decent here and the effort shows Well established and but still is pretty nifty, I would even suggest adding in some sort of upgrade elements about it, anyways nice game.


GoodL responds:

you're the best, glad to see you're still around and reviewin' as strong as ever


it was so so, needed some instructions though, I do like the backround artwork style you could use much more of that I did find it entertaining and smooth and was overall pleased with it I must say this was a pretty fantastic game for the mostpart it was a highly entertaining game, it kept my interest just needs more to it


Cool beans

overall this was pretty entertaining and amusing I was gald with the outcome So this is a game was nice the arcade classic Pac-man style is fun and nice but could use some added graphics and even some bonus rounds, some good play time as the game was pretty amusing and entertaining, So with all that said this was a pretty decent game


Interesting game

The idea is interesting the gameplay is ok but does need more to it even some added backrounds and such A nice game entry you made here I had some fun on this one You showcased some nice ideas too It was alot of the little things that really made me enjoy this game, maybe thats something to keep going with the little things are nice and for me thats what I really enjoyed ad on more medals


Cool game

I love the concept of the bloacks and such seems like you could even ad on more mazes and even more upgrades I actually had lots of fun with this submission you bring on a lot of little details that made it even more fun and I got some good fun play out of it I also like how you used alot of differant effects in moderation ofcourse, This game entry is capable of more aswell it does need more but it was pretty entertaining as is too, seems like you could even ad on more mazes and even more upgrades


not bad

hehe this was a fun game , just love the aimer, should have made more enemies, great job on this one, my advice and opinion on ths one is that more enemies and more different kinds of enemies would be great and that alone would make this a much more fun game you could even have some harder ones too

Speed it up

I really like what you have done here These types of games are fun and this one was pretty entertaining on the style you bring to the table well it was fun to play, that mokey looked freaky though, and moved like a robot, good idea though keep making fun games


Could be improved on

very slow, the ball moves very very slow, does get boring after awhile, the graphics and the girls are nice though A well engineered game you have here but it was a very good game to start off with anyways I must say this was a pretty fantastic game for the mostpart


Love it

I love the whole 3/D element game here there was an old game like this years ago but this was pretty nifty A good game you have distributed here It is pretty interesting how this starts off pretty interesting This game actually has some good interest level and I had fun with it So with that said It was a pleasure playing your game, And again this was a pretty solid game had lots of fun with it and was pretty entertaining. make more 3/D types of these


Cute game

The game is cute the candy upgrades could be better and offer more bonus Decent effort I really like what you did here and the effort does show so thanks for putting the time in on this game once again it does show, Shows the time and skill you put into this game it will be great for all Anyways keep up the work I like the effort you put in sofar and look forward to seeing more of this game even advancing


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