
11,872 Game Reviews

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Very unique

It takes time to understand the controls but this was a very unique and nice 3/D element A good game you have distributed here It is pretty interesting how this starts off pretty interesting This game actually has some good interest level and I had fun with it Glad I found this fun game submission here its one of those kinds of games that are unique and different I want to first say thanks for taking the time to make game stuff here and like this



This here was a very intense game you gave it some flashy color too, a pretty decent game you have created here and shows in the outcome of it all Here is one of those game entries that you have effectively put fourth effort and comes with a good start of showings so nice work there and thats what I look forward too, Love the use of color here and its like you can go random places and the shooting was intense nice game.


Colour game

A nice game somewhat tricky but was still pretty fun and I like the color element about it, I actually had lots of fun with this submission you bring on a lot of little details that made it even more fun and I got some good fun play out of it I also like how you used alot of differant effects in moderation ofcourse, This game entry is capable of more aswell it does need more but it was pretty entertaining as is too


Aprime responds:

Thank you very much :)

Haha nice

This one takes me back has a very mario bros element to it and you bring on some fun gameboy elements that make it fun, A decent game here so keep going with that and keep making games that you enjoy because at the end of the day we will enjoy them too, I really like what you have here there seems to be some good quality about all this and that I really like your style with this game It was nicely done. some fun gameboy elements that make it fun nice game here


TristanMX responds:

In this game I just tried to make it appealing, I was kinda experimenting with the audience response to a nicer art, tbh there are several elements that didn't worked very well in the gameplay. It was a fun experiencie tho, and it helped me see things from different perspectives.


This was a good game, but why the need for a big file size unless it was all the sound/fx, it was fun though, it was abit fast at first, but i did have fun with it so notbad Make it abit slower for us slower people Simpsons moleman and wahckem games = awsome fun



This here was a pretty fun maze game you really have created some hard levels, I also like that it was a simple and fun element of a game, it gets really heard about level 10 and makes it so you need to be quick on your toes, Shows the time and skill you put into this game it will be great for all Anyways keep up the work I like the effort you put in sofar, Anyways a fun game here


GoodL responds:

love you <3


So this here was a nice little game you have love the music beats on this too I had some fun on this one You showcased some nice ideas too It was alot of the little things that really made me enjoy this game I was most amazed with all the little stuff this game had to offer pretty interesting lots of nice little details here and there, keep making games with music like this the game itself was tricky but still fun.


HealliesGames responds:

Glad you enjoy music on my games, thanks for playing!

Nice game

This was a nice game you created here the controls are kinda wonky but still fun, I want to first say thanks for taking the time to make game stuff here and like this, Love the idea and concept and the music is really nice again this was a pretty solid game had lots of fun with it and was pretty entertaining, nice strategic game you have created here I had some fun here.


Cool lil game

Now this was a fun little platformer type nice color nice control mechanics and some nice levels along with some good medals, A good game you have distributed here It is pretty interesting how this starts off pretty interesting This game actually has some good interest level I really liked this and kind of grew on me a tad bit I liked this game overall this was actually a pretty good game, love the progression on this one


Fun game

This reminded me of ghosts and goblins an old game but your graphics are on par and the character controls are smooth, A most dazzling game you have here this was pretty dazzling and entertaining of a game it had its ups and downs and presented some intersting visuals. the music was really nice in this too a fun game indeed, and hope you make even more like this.


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