
11,872 Game Reviews

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Pixel game I love me some pixel style games The green gameboy element was nice too the game was fun and easy nice music too, I have to say the pixel style really brings the game a live and love the visual of it all good pixel visuals and details the game itself has some nice gameplay but I really enjoyed the pixel element and made for a fun game here


This was a really nice idea very good concept here and very fun love the idea of different planets and such, you could create a map that show's planets and that would be a nice features but besides that this was a nice lil game here keep at it


jacklehamster responds:

I'm surprised it still works!

Different This was neat, i like the Art feel of it and good use of color, the whole slideshow was not bad but might be better if you flowed it like an animation, not bad though, hope to see more of your work sometime More animation like a movie format Neat art style gallery thing, nice job


Nifty game This was neat, but it seemed as if it was too long of a download for the content of the game itself, the art graphics were not bad, and the game was a bit fun not addictive fun but still fun, so nice job Compress the file that was just too huge for the content A large fil but sorta fun game, nice jo


Notbad but could be better, it seemed a bit choppy at times, and the controls were not that good on response time, and i didnt notice a jump option, and i must say it was ok but the characters could use some detail to it, anyways fun game but could be improved Add some more effort to the characters, as well as some smoother response time on the controls A fun game a bit sloppy though needs some fixing


Nice looking sprites Cool flash, very sharp looking sprites, and some good soundFX to go with, the animation was a bit slow, but the controls was neat and easy to handle, fun game like flash More story and more of the characters from the game A fun game like flash with sharp sprites and good sound/fx


A good sonic game here and even has some funny comical elemenst gave me a few giggles. the characters are good and nice design of everything a fun game indeed, Was pretty entertaining and I love the visuals and gameplay and that's what makes this game so nice sonic related game


Well notbad on this sonic related game you bring some great character work and added a lot into this and some good effort all throughout the game with some intense gameplay action and thats what made me enjoy this its a solid game indeed


Very fast game here the art was different and the controls took a bit to adjust too, but once you get going the game is really fast and fun I like it and fits perfectly with the sonic theme, so nice sonic game you have created here


Notbad on this game seems like it was fairly easy I think you could even make them harder on this more objects in the way and such, this is the kind of game entry that will always make positive waves and that is pretty true a fun game some strategy needed


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