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Congrats on the front page award well deserved for this intense game here, I love the passion on this one and that's the thing about these types of games and the mechanics really came forward too, so anyways great game indeed and I look forward to even more


Multi directional shooter and it cameout pretty good some nice visual play too, The crab boss was something else though and still pretty fun of a game here, So very nice game very addictive and intense on this one but anyways keep making fun games like this one


Intense element Pixel power what I really liked about this is the pixel art and graphics that comes forward I like the energy of this, This game reminds me of castlevania or ghosts and goblins the game style is fun but have to say it's that pixel visual that is nice some nice pixel design surrounding the game itself and that's a plus in itself so nice game indeed


Great starship game,a nd i must admit the controls responded very well not as laggy as i thought it might be, graphics were notbad either a very fun and entertaining game, keep up the good work File size file size and even more less filesize, that was my only issue with it Fun shooting ship games, nice detail


Well notbad at all, allthough the file was abit big for the content, some nice music went well with it, i liked the stuff and props, and overall was neat and fun, you should make another but not as big, anyways good job Less file size next time Fun game, and nice music


Very fun This was very fun and addictive, and i loved the colors you used it made it standout more, and nice SoundFX aswell, and i like how it gets faster and more fun as you go along, nice game. I like it as is Fun and addictive snake like game it is fun though


Could use more I have seen many dress-ups and alot of them are awsome some are poorly made, i feel you could have done better on this one, there was few items, and the items were not presented well no detail or much shading, its a good try but could be improved More detail, more props, some music and or sound/fx A silly dress-up that needs more effort.


A fun game to play here I do like the turn based style in this entry, The gameplay was nice but did seem to be a bit laggy at times, but still pretty fun, There could even be a character upgrade system but again I had some fun on this game keep it up


The puzzle systems in this game is interesting there is some strategy needed and that is what makes it fun for me and I found it to be entertaining, so nice gameworks here and love the interactivity you bring to this game


Entertaining game the soccor element was fun there is some good interactivity in this one and graphics is good, you have showcased a very nice game and that's what I have enjoyed here so nice game works here, anyways good sports game here


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