
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was a pretty interesting game the art and graphics was pretty nice the animations of the guns are nice, Alright so nice job here this had some good interest about it and it had a simplicity about it that had some good interest and I really liked what you presented here, The game concept was easy to understand it was a fun game, This has a good buzz surrounding it so keep up the vibe you have going on that note to the review part of things here it was a good game but I got alot from this, Nice concept here nice graphics


Well this was pretty fun I love the directional shooting but he does move slow but guess thats the intense, I really enjoyed this game entry but did wish there was a way to gather faster and more pills altogether Anyways nice lil game here keep it up


The visual details alone on this are pretty amazing very nice graphics here, Alright so nice job here this had some good interest about it and it had a simplicity about it that had some good interest and I really liked what you presented here, A cute game here some fun gameplay and cute, This has a good buzz surrounding it so keep up the vibe you have going on that note to the review part of things here it was a good game but i got alot from this A cute and fun game here


Notbad of a game it can get pretty repetitive and thats fine just some nice visuals here too, best strategy is to double your bet after you lose thats my thinking but doesnt always work haha lol, It's really entertaining but needs some stuff to be added more concepts more new ideas and such but I had some fun with this game so nice job indeed and hope you make more


Well this was pretty silly and funny the pee time starts lol it was a cute little game and some nice medals too so fun game you have created here, I like the color and detailed backgrounds a fun arcade style game that takes you right into the action


Cool little game you have created here These car games are awesome, and very neat to play, this one was nice to have a music option, and the mute was a good idea as well, nice items to use, but could use more, its a nice game, not bad keep it up


Not bad Love the interactivity in this one this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive the details shine it was fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the theme and those are some of the best kinds of games Well not bad, I liked it kind of fun, but could use more features, a bit laggy but still somewhat fun, nice artwork and cool fade effect, so not bad at all, keep it up and hope to see more games


Haha well this was not bad of a little game here Haha this was cool, it has that old sprite style like from kings quest or something animation was smooth and neat, very good use of colors as well, I enjoyed this one, nice work indeed, keep up the interesting flash works


A cute and refreshing game here The game here has some good potential about it but on the other hand it has some fun elements, The gameplay could be more smoother and easy to grasp, The game is cute and refreshing and has a fun style about it, more character customization would be a plus here more fine details within facial and body types etc, But overall this was actually a fun game here I enjoyed it


Notbad another fun and simple game here some interesting elements here some fun stylistic strategy to move from the blocks or whatever they are, I like this game its has the LOL factor there could be more sounds and voices from who I think is Patrick lol


Ant responds:

I appreciate all of these reviews though it's hard for me to take some of your reviews as serious as you make them out to be sometimes. Almost all of my games have been for the LOL factor and were basically all shit-posts of mine as I learnt how to develop games, so hopefully you like the game I'm releasing this summer that takes all of my collecting programming knowledge over the years, has a funny stuff in it, some not so funny stuff, a full story and polished gameplay. Thanks again hah

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