
11,872 Game Reviews

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Awesome game you have made lots of interesting aspects I think these games had something unique about them this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive with some added extras and nice visuals but you picked a good theme and overall the game itself was pretty fun so nice job Nice work indeed, the graphics are intense and what's most important of the whole thing, the graphics really standout very nice, could be somewhat longer though, nice detail, keep it up.


Decent It was cool, looks like you put some time in on it, i like all the different scenes, but one thing was there any sound,? was not sure if it was my speakers or not, it was a decent flash though, keep it up though its not bad at all so keep up on some fun games


Some fun interactivity with this game, I was actually not the best at this game lol, The use of the mouse and time reaction could be the reason but still found the gameplay pretty fun and some nice results for this game you have here keep it up


A good game indeed with some fun interaction and fun gameplay The time thing was nice that's why you can't go wrong with some platformer styles if games just like you have created here and I had some fun on this platformer game, The medals are all pretty easy to obtain so it was a fun and not too hard of a game


I love the art element and creative style in all your games and bringing a quizz like game here with the same aspects, You have really pushed the elements of detail with art and color, This is an inspiring showcase and its an honor to have seen this amazing showcase


Well notbad at all and creative even with the keys lol, Some decent things about this game like this and that and the game mechanics work good so as I start out here it has some interesting aspects about it, The Jurrasic Park was actually pretty difficult but again love the creativity, I was not expecting this game to be as it was it was entertaining had some nice graphics and some decent options that made it an all around fun game, Some fun creativity and fun game here


Well the game is ok but could have some polish on graphics and stylish gameplay more imporved features for keeping more interest, The concept is notbad and I like the energy level but still needs more to it some extra elements and bouns but anyways thats my take


A different kind of game here I like the use of color and different options, could have used some background music though, it was entertaining though, the skills menu I couldn't get out of it, maybe its a glitch of some sort, anyways nice game, it was fun and I found it to be a fun experience


A cool game here very nifty first off graphics to be honest this was kind of special and is merely average, but you brought some nice effects around it and made for some fun activities Well not bad, it was cool, really nice backgrounds, and cool character flowed with nice animation, and great use of color, nice work


Fun game you have made up here I like the style of this game a good vibe here Well a good old game and you can't go wrong with that the game type is a blast to play you bring this wonderful game a live with a style all on its own it is fun and unique and you show off some nice game skills It was fun very easy to play, i have seen this type of bouncy game, it was easy on the controls though so it was ok, anyways nice game


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