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so here was a unique game by armore games as always they make some pretty spiffy games this one had each new level with some very nice art detail and different in each one its a good strategic style game the gameplay is awsome as is the control use and responded well so for me I had some fun on this game here



So this was nice i like that with each new game you try and add in even more with this one I especially love the special attack but seems like it could use more or even multiple but anyways great visual graphics some fun gameplay and love the gameplay of it and can be addictive so thats my take on this game and had fun with it



So this was another awsome find here a great game of the past has some nice moments a platformer style for sure even a masterpiece as people say you have a nice game here and the controls run smooth with some nice detail here so for me it was very good its stuff like this that really draws me in so love your game style here keep making fun games like this


Unique game

A different kind of platformer here love the black and white theme here too controls handle well Simple and complex that's what I got from this platformer game it brings on the complexity with extras but also keeps the simple platformer style of it all you make it fun and keep to a real platformer and that's what I liked in this one I love the platformer game types and you have created some fun games with this one but regardless it was a pleasure to review your platformer game today


Very nice

I like this one it has a nice story with it and some good depth to it the coloful art style is very nice too i like the ideas you put into this and the effort pays off you make for a nice game, The medals are very nice but most of all love the story here



The game is fun the graphics being pixel and or sprite is awsome very well textured too, a nifty design base that really made it fun and entertaining and for that i thank you, some nice sound F/X too it was kind of like a point and click game but really love the quality of it


A great one

I love that you added some story into this one, the top view shooter and bringing down bombs was a ice touch on this game, Adding in some more medals would be nice, i have enjoyed this game you bring on some cool points and there is some nice gameplay on this game a fun game indeed and love the added extras too anyways nice shooter



A fun lil clicker of a game here having a baby in there was interesting but made it even more fun you keep it fresh and sharp with a style all on its own giving off some nice gameplay and even replay value even with all the games that come through the portal you keep this game fresh and fun and for me thats what i enjoy


Amazing shooter

Now this game was really intense has some amazing guns and the controls are really intense and really make for some awsome gun play great gameplay in this shooter some good stylization to it and thats a plus in my books and with that all said i have enjoyed this game you bring on some cool points and there is some nice gameplay on this game a fun game indeed and love the added extras too, great gameplay in this shooter


A fun game

I really like the sprite and pixel element on this game you really made for something fun on this one the over the top view grid was nice i found this particular game fun and you gave it that creative nature and it really brings out some nice little details within the game, Love the ghosts and element of it


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