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Funnything is I dont remember all these webcab type games but I have to say like this one here you have some nice ideas and there are some unique stuff in this game so for me it was a fun gadget type of game an interesting gameplay style too so it was notbad dont see these types of games much anymore so nice job on this one somewhat simple but still entertaining so hope to see more of your stuff soon



So I had some fun with this game I like that you have to do little things to get the stuff going but seems like you could have had more things to do more content and more medals ofcourse, These games seem like they can be simple but you really pushed the limits on this particular one and thats a big plus and really enjoyed reviewing this one as it was a solid game you added in some nice depth too with the extras



Here was a fun and strategic game here it gets really tough over time so the extra levels are nice I like the energy and strategic element in this game These games seem like they can be simple but you really pushed the limits on this particular one and thats a big plus, I like the energy and strategic



So this was fun I like the refreshing looking art style here was very nice as a visual the controls and gameplay was very good You have a unique passion about this game style and that passion really transcends into a deeper visual and fun play here, the medals are nice on this too



even though it was red and white themed colors it was a fun game seems to need much more medals though Now this is a good game i could really dig into this one all dat you bring all the little stuff out into the game world, the attack mode was nice as are the controls and such


Very nice

So another different type of game here the music was really jamming here on this one but had an awsome time some fun gameplay on this and the whole style is different over other games I have played but you have something fun and unique here and hope more people make games like this but anyways thats my take on this little game I love the concept idea anyways nice job



A webcam style game here this was something different dont think I have checked these out was confuesed at first it was pretty amazing though and while not perfect I liked it besides that I think some added music quality would be a plus but regardless I had some fun on this gadget type of a game it was pretty interesting anyways keep up the good work indeed



Well this one does require some skill to it as it does get pretty tricky and nice touch on the music it was notbad but very fitting for the unoque style of gameplay art and graphics are nice and is visually nice as you play along do for me what I take away this game is thats its fun and entertaing and had a blast with this game submission but anyways you have a nice game here


Cool game

So here was something different took a bit getting use too but it was nice and the controls are good just took a bit of practice it does have a unique and different style of gameplay but once you really get into it, its really fun and I had a blast with this particular game so for me this was pretty solid of a game



so as a dress up fan this was nice I like the theme with the emo element but I do think you could even ad in more stuff even some bonus stuff would make for a fun game its already a fun game here I do think the music was notbad too you have some nice ideas and glad to see and have played this fun little game so anyways keep up the good work anyways untill next time


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