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This was fun and very addictive, it has lots of features and neat little things here and there that make it a really great game, very fun, maybe abit big in file but well worth it, nice job, Lower the filesize, that was just abit much for my machine, as im sure it is for other slower machines, A fun game, takes a abit of time but still a good game


A nice casino / gambling element of a game here, seems to be more benifitual to the dealer especially if you dont hit 21, but regardless it was actually a fun card game or gambling game that is, I was entertained but could use more games within it


Simple and fun game here I like the added colors and that awsome music really a fun part of this very good style, the game mechanics work good and that was nice its a unique game but still pretty fun and its an entertaining game you have created here


Well this was an interesting game for sure different from most games that come through here I like the exploration of it, and the subtle backround music was nice very good effort you put into this game, Some added medals and achievments but also some extra interactivity and some bonus elements would improve on this fun game


Well this was for sure a unique game indeed the interface could be polished but the gameplay really pushes forward and you really do have a nice puzzle system game here it was very fun and in some cases addictive, but anyways keep up the good work


Nice action adventure game here and there is a lot of stuff to do and you made the game pretty interactive, so some fun gameplay here, The art style is pretty fun seems like you could add on more stuff like in the town and such, but overall its a fun game


The game was notbad It did seem a bit harder and would have loved more achievments that offer more rewarding elements, I like the music you present here you have some nice beats in this one and fit well with the gameplay, so besides all that I had a fun time with this


Some nice art and graphics on this game and I have to say this point and click game has a very creative element the search and fin style is always fun, The voice acting was pretty good too so overall this was a fun little game here with some nice fun play


This was a fun game, and not what i expected at all really was fun and entertaining, the weapons were neat kinda only shot so much that was a downer but still a fun game, and nice backrounds, aswell as some needed "SOUND/FX" which made it even more fun, nice game Maybe make it so the guy has different wepons at his disposal, or maybe he can unlock some A fun game, good idea,, could be improved with some better features, but still a fun game nice work


This was a classic of a game, where did you find the script flashkit??? heh anyways it was fun playing the classic game again, love the different color of it all, and ran very smooth nice job Maybe give it your own style, think of some game where its all your own creations and not from a game already A fun game classics are always the best gotta love the frog


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