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Notbad Demo

ok well didnt relize it was a demo, the art was decent except for the sticks, liked the aimer, it had abit of a story but like i said its a demo and could have been much more like some improved stick characters and more then a demo just an idea though



well alot better then i can do, still decent for a first, good job, should do somthing about the sound though even some added interactivity would be a plus on this game , a nice vibe and good flavor surrounding this game so nice work and I personally had a blast reviewing this game anyways nice work here



ill give you some credit, looks good though, it has some nice potential and a nice stylish entertainment value about it and it was a fun game all around so nice energy here it was a fun exciting and fantastic game some slight improvments could be added maybe a sleeker design



So here was a fun point and click game this one seemed a little more simple then normal but was still fun I think adding on some extras like maybe some extra and or more soundF/X adding on a variation of music would also be nice more little details in finding and searching things and areas would great improve on this game just a few tips and I hope it helps


Nice coin

So this was an interesting one I do have to say that the music on this one is pretty impressive and you really make for a fun game but the mechanics of the ball could be better the controls seem wonky and could also use some cleaning up but that music was very top notch stuff as a game its simple and fun but does need some small quality of life additions and changes



Dont think I have come across these types before but does seem pretty popylar and you gave it something unique with some nice and unique characters about it the design and interface was really impressive so for me the graphics was nice and a top part of the game, the gameplay was another fun part of the game that makes it fun and entertaining keep up the awsome unique games like this one



So this was a different take on the tetris world still a fun falling puzzle game here and you gave it that unique style buy mixing it up and adding in your own little twists and that was pretty fun and thats what I did enjoy about this one, so for me a twist of twtris and a nice mix of good graphics along with some fun gameplay all around so please do make more to this


Very fun

So this was a nice game you have it as the title gravity master and basicly it is just that and has some very nice game mechanics and fun elements the physics are very impressive and the control system is fun and makes it unique so for me this game gravity master was very fun and kept my interest level going strong was very impressed with your game here


Nice one

Now this was a nice game of killing I like the different limbs comming off but seems they pop or grow back on lol the graphics is pretty good and found the gameplay nice and the controls are pretty easy and run smooth thats what I enjoyed about this game you seem to have some nice elements that make it a fun interactive game so the title no mercy was just perfect for this game



well first off its a demo, the gameplay was abit weak, everythingelse seemed ok, hope to see more soon but do hope you can improve on the gameplay it was in need of an overhail and such, Another good game submission right here on this one and bringing on a world of fun entertainment this game does bring on some fun visuals and even better gameplay but its ok


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