
11,872 Game Reviews

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ok not bad, great gameplay, could use some color in the backround, was a good little teaching game heheh I think these kinds of games could go pretty far they have teaching styles and elements



cool game i havent seen one like this before it does get harder though Another fun game entry you made here some good solid game work right here you gave it some nice vibe and flavor so hope you make more like this one, seems like it could also use some added improvments with some added graphics detail elements, the game itself gets a bit harder



cool love this even though im not into games this has done well very well id say, hope to see more work from you but I will suggest on this particular game you could have added more maybe some more intteractivti maybe a bit more stylish graphics even just an idea for you to look into anyways nice job


Even though this is a bit dated and with recent events with Chris Rock and Will smith it would be a nice time for an update lol, the boxing is nice though good gameplay some nice visuals but most of all you make it fun and entertaining and that's all we really ask for so for me this game submission it was a solid entry, cool stuff here



hmmm was kinda funny, but kinda hard aswell, loved the gun design though, great job, keep it up because this was actually fun I think adding more interactivity to a game like this would be key, its pretty entertaining though

could be slower

make it slower to give us slower people a chance to even see the thing, so making it slower might be one idea to improve on this one, but other then that this was actually ok of a game so nice effort here.

Fun shooter

I like the controls while nice as smooth as I would have liked the shooter was spot on and love the artwork with the bits of story element of a real star shooter Some good flavor on this game with a style all on its own it's games like this that really spark some interest Here we have another fun game with some good play time and seems like you have graced us with a fun game and hope to find even more gems like this, A good star shooter



well what was the point of this film, it didnt do anything, only good thing here was the artwork, and even that was so-so but I could see you improving and adding more detail to the art style of it all, The graphics seem to be a good part of this game here


Decent game

ok it wasnt that bad, even though im not into games but should fix the speed, it was abit slow for me, ill be waiting for more though, This was a decent game you have here I like the idea here and your concept is great so other then that this was an ok one and hope you make much more like this one.


heheh love the eyes

this was didfferent though, loved the eyes you gave good choices, Now this is a A cool game here A nice game you have here I have come across some nice games here is a unique and unique a fun and unique game you have created here great job, make another


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