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Well gravity for sure spells what the game is about I love what you did here with the flicpping of screens and the music change too A fun and unique entry here you gave it some nice gameplay action with a few extras that made this game that much better so nice game indeed, a nice vibe and good flavor surrounding this game so nice work and I personally had a blast reviewing this game, A nice gravity game with a platformer style


Fun one

Awsome stick game and love all the different options of this way that way and weapons, the cartoony animations on the game are also nice too You give games some nice creativity but they sure are fun Games like this are fun and tricky creating a fun game can be complicated at times but seems like you have it down, these types of adventures really have some fun outcomes love the different options you gave this



cool game, i think you said somthing about it in the bbs, ahh love the the fact that the #4 all time reviewer is making movies, good game, keep it up because these kinds of games are pretty fun, so make more sometime.


not bad

cool loved it it was different then most games around here, should make the shatter faster though, and make more jars or levels to shoot, was a cool game, but you do have a pretty decent game and something to start with to make even better.



i like this one cause a clock gets killed, infact i loved just jumping infront of cars and trucks just to see the silly clock die, great game, decent graphics, the clock theme was also pretty decent aswell

A fun one

Now this was a pretty fun car game here love the top view simple and fun had an atari feel about it including the sound/FX There are some nice games out there but this one you have graced us with bring on some fun interactivity I found this game to be loads of fun and that's what one looks for in a game like this one and hope others find this just as entertaining as me, pretty fun car game here



Fun game and pretty challenging but very fun I love the 3/D Element on this one really makes it realistic and fun you have graced us all with a fun game and even entertaining and thats the point i had a blast reviewing this particular game, The music was pretty good too Kind of reminds me of them older games back in the day lol but anyways a very nice 3/D game here



ok well i dont know if its stolen but it could be cause, lots of games/movies are getting resubmitted as there own work, but then again its only a sound board, and that arnold jpeg was kinda weak, ohwell better luck next time



man there is alot of skater games thease days, ohwell what can you do, the game was decent, good graphics, but that preloader has to go, made me dizzy but maybe that was the intense this game was fun


Decent game

ok not bad but where is the sound, would have been alot better with some sound, this would have been much better with some sound the idea of this game is really good but does need more to it, as mentioned some added sound would be nice


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