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it didnt seem to work to well for me, but then again its only a demo, the backrounds where nice, looks like a decent game, good job. but I would say ad on even more content bring in more details and visuals of what it will be it was interesting of a game or demo here


Fun Egg

Well here was another fun and egg-Fantastic style of games not sure how all these egg games came about but this was one of the more simple ones but it was fun and fast it was nice, I think you could have even advanced on levels and making it harder maybe some backround details to really hide more eggs and such, games like this can get addictive as i have been playing them for years with some fun games out there you bring on some nice fun activities in this game and its games like this that really make me enjoy the games even more, Very nice egg game here



An interesting point and click type but the video part of this was really funny I like the humor in this and does seem too have some interactivity on it, This is one of those games you could ad on some more bigger and focused buttons, Some good flavor on this game with a style all on its own it's games like this that really spark some interest Here we have another fun game, but anyways a fun one and good humor



A lot of popping in this game and that makes it hard but still fun, it jumps right into the fun and excitement of all the popping so nice game indeed, I like the energy of it and its a cute pop here and there, some nice visuals and some nice details would love to see more bigger games with this kind of style as your game here was pretty solid, So for me this was a pretty fun game nice graphics too



well it was ok mostly just text, though i do think the wwf stars you have showed are not ruining it, the rock has braught more to it if you think about it Here we have another fun game with some good play time and seems like you have graced us with a fun game and hope to find even more gems like this, just needs more content



hmm i have seen better but at least you know how to make a game like this, some of us dont know much about the flash system so congrats there, this was a low score but better luck next time maybe ad a bit more to this sometime it was a decent game though.


Fun one

First off the music was really good the finding of the egg not so easy but was still fun seems like you could have had more achievments on this one, Another fun game and you make these game types look so easy its always fun to see and play these games and the whole unique theme is always a plus, These egg games seem pretty fun and very entertaining too so nice game indeed



I gave this one the wow factor just because im a Sci-Fi guy but have to say this was amazing but still feels unfinished, It for sure needs a save feature and I think you could have even added some nice music and or soundF/X and then furthur advanced more planets on this maybe with some interesting elements to complete it and not just collecting,

Now this is a A cool game here A nice game you have here I have come across some nice games here is a unique and unique a fun and unique game you have created here, for us all to enjoy so nice efforts And for sure hope to see more games like this in the future, Anyways I hope one day you add in even more planets and medals its a solid game



ok iv seen the first it wasnt that great, this is much improved one but still needs work, didnt understand it at times, but still ok i guess, there just needs to be much more polish on this a little bit more effort and energy added would be a nice element.


Nice one

While a little dated this was still pretty fun I especially love all the sprites and the music was really good too There are some nice games out there but this one you have graced us with bring on some fun interactivity I found this game to be loads of fun, but anyways once again a fun game nice gameplay and great music


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