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yeah i have to agree, atleast there arnt any clocks, thats funny as it is true, decent game, i had fun would have been nice with a few clocks in this and some added interactivity to the game to make it somewhat more fun and more interactive would just be a huge plus on this game anyways nice work here on this one.



that was just sick, the animation and art was great, just the whole idea was not the best of ideas but you did put it together in good fashion and there is some effort in this I like it needs more to it. anyways nice effort.


A fun one

So this was a snake dragon game its like snake on steriods lol, The controls are tricky and hard to really feel smooth but the game itself with the clouds is really nice games can be simple and complicated yet you have made it look easy and bring on a style of your own and that was very good on this one it has its own vibe and you bring some nice flavour too the small detail points really love the effort, Nice snake game



Well here was once again another fun and fine strategy game hexagon version too Another nice find in this game from the portal you bring lots of nice details together in this fun game submission and its those fine visual points that really come out, its these strategic games that are really fun and keep one interested the controls are smooth and play well with the gameplay


This was nice

I like the minecraft element here and the top view was really nice Well another fun game simple with the entertaining level on high not too hard but not super easy some added effects would be nice, and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all, anyways love the top view and minecraft style here


hmmm abit tough

thaught it was kinda tight moving, but maybe thats what you were going for, but good graphics its games like this that really make me enjoy the games even more as the addictive style comes into play also you make it that much more fun to play was a tad hard as stated before but also has some nice graphics



ok the but scene was kinda funny, but it needs some work, like the animation, and maybe ad some backrounds I found this game to be loads of fun and that's what one looks for in a game like this one and hope others find this just as entertaining as me, but does need some slight improvments



This had a scary feel about it the pixel like elements was nice, this was more like a point and click style of a game though simple and fun game These games seem like they can be simple but you really pushed the limits on this particular one and thats a big plus and really enjoyed reviewing this one as it was a solid game you added in some nice depth too with the extras, simple and fun game with some nice pixel element


Very intense

So this particular point and click game was very intense far more then that of some regular ones and you really used some color depth and made it really fun, As easy as that all you have to do is point and click lol no but really you have a nice point and click game here and you showcase some nice little features on this and you make point and click games that much more fun especially with this particular game entry and the visual and gameplay really comes alive on this one so nice game here, the medals are really fun that last one was a bit hard though I think an eye for an eye


heheh a glich i think

i liked this game , gave it a shot on easy, dont know if its like this or not but are you able to go thru the enemies and not get hurt....? ohwell like the way it shoots can hit a few at once, hope to see more levels soon


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