
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well it was entertaining and sorta fun, kinda a basic style of game play, the artwork was abit bland aswell, but it did give me some entertainment value so not all was bad


Another good one

So once again you have mastered another one of these bringing out a fun game with lots of medals and some fun ideas and a really good concept too so really nice game here I had some fun with this one


Very nice

So this was pretty intense I especially love all the pixel elements of graphics, Love the interactivity in this one this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive the details shine, the ball and getting it to go from A to B is not always easy but you made it fun, It was fun and simple but also you bring a complex element to the theme and those are some of the best kinds of games, Very nice game indeed love the interaction on this


Nice game

Normal mode was actually notbad if you can survive lol, It was nice with all the achievements and medals and were fun to try and get, The game is fun and challenging very fun in my book hope you make more games like this one in the near future


Nice game

so the game here is pretty intense a fun brawler for sure It's got great gameplay a good story, the main character is pretty good too, and has some nice upgrades systems and of course some sense of humour that keeps one entertained, The game mechanics are really nice some nice effects and good visuals on this brawler type of a game love the story element of this game, anyways nice job


Nice game

So this one was pretty interesting of a game, you allowed it so the player can explore and search and that was the fun part of this game, The game mechanics are good and pretty intense and makes for a really fun game here


Good game

So the game was good simple and fun and a nice story here wanting to know more about this boy and girl as that simplicity of the story was nice, I think these games had something unique about them this particular one that you have graced us with seems to have come alive with some added extras, the puzzle system is good not super hard but not too easy either, Nice visuals but you picked a good theme and overall the game itself was pretty fun so nice job, fun puzzle game and story with it


Good stuff

So the game here was nice it has a good challanging factor and some nice details make this fun but does get in a harder challanging moment after about 20 and upwards but overall still a fun game here I enjoyed it


Big game

Fun game but abit large on the file size?? but anyways onto the gameAlso seemed abit easy more times then none, so making it harder would improve on it, but with all that said it was fun not addictive fun but still fun none the less



Haha ok this was funny, wish the "WINDOW" size was abit larger though, but it was funny a perfect song and somewhat of animation, it was entertaining though, so notbad at all, hope to see more of your work soon


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