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This was really good I like th visuals and the story element here was nice some good visuals and these types are pretty fun very nice work


Fun and entertaining Fun game, just like that of millionaire hehe, anyways great audio and synced perfectly with the buttons and stuff, also great questions not easy but not so hard either, great set-up for the game, I had fun with this and it was entertaining, so nice work on this interesting game


Haha that game was not bad at all, haha, i love the controls of it as it was guided with the mouse, and it was a bit hard trying to get though the enemies and so-on, the game response was really good as well, anyways fun game very entertaining and I had a good time here with it


I really like the gameplay here with this game also like the weapons and how they respond from there use and control systems, a nice game of epicness the game entry here has suprises fun and entertainment surrounded all around it, and lots of fun medals here


Some skill and avoide with this one, The grand game is awsome thats what I would call this one because it felt like a grand game, and once you get up in levels it gets pretty tough indeed, lots going on fun game play with lots to offer and thats what I have enjoyed here


This here was a nice lil tutorial element here I like the educational element style on this one, sometimes simplicity is the best way to go not that yours is that simple or anything, but nice tutorial here a good game type too and learning style


Wow Great game very intense, very interactive, and the upgrade options were, very intense, and the game overall was just fun, it had so much depth and great replay value to it, very good gaming and its just the type of game one could play for hours on end, anyways game, I would love to see more like this anyways nice job


Nice game this was cool, I have seen a few of these scene makers now, and they are fun, but not much more, you could use a few more items, and maybe some animated effects like in the background, but overall, it was entertaining, nice Scene designer that you have created here


This was fun but could use much more, keep it interesting for the viewer and keep the viewer/player wanting more, dont get me wrong what you have is good, and its a great start just needs more options, and maybe abit more detail, anyways i had fun with it.


A fun skill avoided game here and pretty good and a fun style of puzzle elements here I like the systems in place but regardless a fun game here


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